Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bench 235 x 5

Really solid day today. And more importantly, my last heavy day before the mock meet!

Felt truly sore and shitty today haha. Overtraining has surely set in  my joints and muscles just hurt, all the time. But, I took my time, got nice and warm, and got to work benching. Hit the bar, then 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 1, then jumped straight to 235 and got to work. Technique felt a little bit off today - I wasn't controlling the weight as well as I would like, yet I still hit a really strong set of 5. Went for a 6th rep and got caught halfway, tried to fight for a second and thought I might push through but I just couldn't. Not too bummed though, 5 reps is still a PR and it was a good 5. After, loaded the bar back up and hit it for max paused reps. Had to take a long pause on the final rep, but I managed 4 reps with a pause, which isn't half bad! The first couple reps again were just not technically my best.... a little wobbly and off. But again, I think this has to do with the fact that I am beat to shit by now. Overall, some solid benching!

Next, did some dumbell floor press. I want to start incorporating this for a few reasons: first, I think it might help with my specific sticking point, second, I think it will work on raw pressing power through the chest/front delts and tricep lockout strength, and third I think using my arms separately might be good for me. Anyways, started light and just hit high rep sets with a pause at the bottom. Hit 15's, 35's, 50's for sets of 15, then hit 70's for 3 sets of 10. Felt good.

Next, 4 x 25 band rows and then 4 x 15 band pull aparts. Shoulders were really feeling beat up.

Finally, 3 sets of bar starz to get in some grip work.

So, overall a good day! Felt strong, hit some Pr's. I feel the same today as I did yesterday: Although these workouts weren't perfect, they were REALLY good. And they were this good despite the fact that I am both sick AND overtrained as a mo fo. So, I think I should be VERY close to my goals, even beat to shit. However, IF I can really recover right this next week, and come into next tuesday 100% recovered, with supercompensation at it's max, I should be able to SMASH second attempts and have a really good shot at some BIG weight. 455 - 275 - 525? Maybe even shoot higher on the deadlift. We will see. Lets keep at it.

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