Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bench 215 x 7

Tuesday was a less than great bench day. However, It wasn't terrible, and there were reasons for it being somewhat mediocre - namely finals. The last thing I need is another excuse for why my bench sucks, but at the same time I can't doubt myself or my training because of factors out of my control.

Started with bench, after taking two finals in a row. Felt decent warming up, hit the bar, 95, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, then took my first crack at 215. It was moving decently, but not easy. I hit the 7th rep then took a few breaths and went for 8 - it got stuck in a nasty spot. I tried to fight through and really thought I was going to get it, but my lower back cramped up and eventually I just failed. I was pretty disappointed - First of all, I wanted 9. Second of all, my PR was 8 so failing 8 meant I didn't even tie my old PR, nevermind beat it. I rested, and took the weight again for a max paused set, and hit a really solid set of 5. The paused stuff feels so controlled and strong, so that was cool and made me feel a little better. In the end, it comes down to this: I was crampy and stuff from lifting the day before, and it's possible that finals studying/the two tests right before my workout had a negative impact. Maybe, if I hadn't had those tests I would have finished that really close 8th rep, maybe if I was fresher I would have squeaked out a 9th. I'm not saying I can do that, but I am saying that despite how hard I WANT to be on myself, I need to understand that there are a lot of factors and not get angry and jaded because of a rep and a half.

After the paused set, dropped to 165 and did CGFUBP, really controlling that weight down with a pause and blasting it. Hit 7 or 8, then dropped to 135 and hit 10 or 11, then dropped to 95 and hit 13 or 4. Felt good, trying to build up my raw pressing power, my control over the weight, my stability, and my ability to grind. It's tough and I'm not sure what exercises are the best to accomplish these goals, but I'm just gonna keep working hard and plugging away and gains will come, the question is just how fast or slow.

Next, did 4 sets of 25 t-bar rows with a 45 lb plate.

Finally, did a deadlift hold, one for max time pronated and one for max time supinated with like 200 + lbs.

So, alright day. A little frustrated with my heavy stuff, but I think progress is on it's way, it is just slow, and especially hard to see right now because of issues of finals week. But I'm gonna keep working. Also, side note, I think I might need to pay more attention to glute tightness in my bench, to better use leg drive and to prevent my lower back from cramping. Anyways, lets keep at it.

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