Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bench 205 x 9

Good day today. Almost great - but I'll take it.

Started with bench. Actually felt really decent warming up, not too beat up from squats yesterday. Got nice and warm, hit the bar with my feet up, then got started - 95 x 15, 135 x 10, 185 x 5 all felt really good, so I loaded 205 and went after it. The set felt really good, definitively better than benching felt last week in my garage. I will say that stability wasn't perfect - I had a little bit of weird wobbling and asymmetric barbell movement that probably wasted a little energy. However, the new form - i.e. controlling the bar down, soft touch and squeezing it up - felt pretty great. I blasted the first 8, then hit a 9th rep (a new pr) that was just a little bit slower and grindier. However, I was still about 75% sure I could get a tenth rep - till I tried it, and failed. I was a little angry about it, because it is that same problem over again - the problem of moving one rep with ease, then all of a sudden failing the next rep. The problem of not having the proper control over whether you make or fail a rep, based on how much effort you put forth. HOWEVER, there are some factors to consider. 1) I have only been doing this a short while, and therefore still need to work on my ability to grind. 2) It's not like I SMASHED rep 9 - there was a gradual decline, which is exactly what I want. Yes, rep 9 wasn't so hard that I should have failed rep 10, but I definitely am making the changes I want to make, I just need more time with this new form. And 3), despite wanting 10 reps, 9 is an all time PR, AND 1 rep better than just a week ago, AND 10 lbs heavier than the last time I benched 9 reps, failed a 10th. So, all in all it was a great set, just not AS great as I wanted. But that's okay - I am going to rectify this by getting 9 reps at 215 next tuesday. THAT will be a really great set. After the touch n go rep out, I rested and then did a paused rep out. Hit a really solid and hard set of 6. Definitely felt my improved ability to grind on that set.

Next, did some feet up benching without bringing the bar all the way to my chest. Did 3 sets without much rest - 1 regular grip, one closer, one closest. Got maybe 20-8-6 reps, something like that. While definitely not a waste of time, I think I was trying to do too many things with this - it would probably be better to do EITHER cgfubp or spoto press or benching with varying grips. Still, got in some extra volume and stability work.

Next, 3 sets of 30 cable rows with I think 90 lbs

Finally, 3 fairly brief sets of bar starz grip work.

Overall, good day. Not perfect, but here's the thing: I believe I am on my way to the bench gainz I want. The goal now is simply to grow my bench as fast as possible. Next week, I am going to try and hit the same number of reps - 9, and maybe even the 6 paused - but at 215. If I can manage that, then the goal will be 7-8 reps at 225, and 6-7 reps at 235 the week after, which should put me in good position to hit my desired 275 after christmas. Lets keep at it.

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