Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bench 205 x 8

Decent day yesterday. Again, time limit to my workout meant I was pushing fast. Benching didn't feel quite as good as I wanted, but it was an alright day. 

Warmed up, got my shoulders really warm and focused on getting my chest and my lats warmer today. Then started benching, without much rest and focusing on speed and precision. Hi the bar x 20, 75 x 12 or so, 105 x 12 or so, then 135 x 8, 165 x 8, 185 x 8, and finally 205 x 8. The 205 x 8 was harder than I wanted it to be, I was hoping to rip through the reps but it wasn't that easy. Still, I probably had a rep or two in the tank. I think, with heavier weights, the secret is going to be to do a better job separating the reps, while with lighter weights I should continue working on banging out the sets as fast as possible, so that with max attempts I conserve energy and every rep is precise, and with lighter work I am working on building up my stabilizers and really working my muscles in the same motor pattern over and over. 

Next up, pec flies. did 3 sets of 20 with 10 lb dumbells, just to mix things up. 

Next, cable rows, 4 sets of 25. I really tried to think, with these, about treating it like the opposite of a bench press. Keeping the form exactly the same, basically. It was interesting, and felt a lot like a bench press, which is good. I think I am finally figuring out how to really utilize my back in the bench, maybe that's why it has been improving lately. 

Finally, bar starz was good. For the first time in a while, did some actual pulling which felt good! shoulders and elbows weren't bothered by it at all. Grip is getting pretty damn strong. 

So, Good day. Trying to rest up for the rest of this weekend, and hopefully hit some PR's monday and tuesday! Last week was aight, so lets try and make this week REALLY solid. Lets keep at it. 

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