Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bench 245 x 2 x 2

Really good day today.

Started with bench. Got nice and warm - I've got this warmup figured out pretty well now! by the end of my general warmup, plus the shoulder dislocates, tornadoes, band pull aparts and dumbell stuff, my whole upper body is feeling really warm and pumped and ready to bench. Anyways, in my sets working up, I focused on hitting the first 3 reps or so with a lot of speed and precision, separating them out from eachother. I think the reason I didn't do so well at 225 last week is because I tried to bang the reps out, but at that sort of heavy weight I should be working on doing them almost like singles, to fight energy leaks. So, anyways, hit the bar for 20 or so, 95 x 15, 135 x 10, then 185 x 5, all of which felt good. Loaded up 225 and hit it for a solid single, not the BEST single I have ever hit at that weight, but pretty strong. So, I decided, instead of shooting for 240 for 3-4 reps, to load up 245 and try and shoot for 2-3 reps. Went after it and hit a very solid double, and honestly I feel like I might have had a third rep but I didn't have a spotter so I chickened out. But, I wasn't satisfied with 2 so I decided to try for at least another single. Ended up hitting a really nice rep, so I went for a double, and despite being a very tough lockout, managed to get it. So, two doubles at 245 is a nice little pr that I'm happy about. Would have preferred three, but hey you can't win them all.

Next up, did some dumbell benching, which actually felt great. It showed me how great my pressing power is if I simply keep my back and lats really tight - as a matter of fact, it made me think that perhaps I need to be a little more tucked one normal bench, bringing the bar just a tiny bit lower on my chest in order to make that lockout easier by not flaring so early on in the rep. I could THROW these dumbells up when I focused really hard on lat tightness. Anyways, hit 42.5's for 25 like nothing, 55's for another 25, then grabbed 65's and hit them for 19. Felt good, obviously I need to be goign heavier on these but for today this was a great few sets.

Next, cable rowed 100 lbs for 4 sets of 25, alternating between wide ass rows and bench-grip width rows. Felt great, blew my back right up.

Finally, bar starz. First set, did 4 normal pullups, then switched to supinated and did 2 chinups. Second set did some one-handed swings, and third set did 2 wide grip pullups, 2 regular grip pullups, and 2 chinups. Didn't spend as much time on the bar as I should've, but did more pulling than normal.

I'm coming soon

So, feeling great! Pr's yesterday and today, joints feel great, everything is good. So, basically I need to focus on recovery and technique these next few days, and hopefully I will be able to hit some nice PR singles next week. I'm thinking nice, high-rep stuff thurs and fri - light sets of 10, to really drill form and speed, followed by really light high rep assistance stuff (except maybe some moderately heavy front squats). Then, just really focus on resting, eating, and get in some stretching this weekend. I'm pumped, I think good things are soon to come. Lets keep at it.

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