Friday, October 18, 2013

Bench 205 x 4 x 5, 225 x 5

Really good day today. Got to watch some buddy's max bench, and had a good benching day myself as well.

Got nice and warm, then got cracking on my benching. Again, today I really am trying to focus on benching like a bodybuilder - lots of reps, moderate loads, keeping tension, repping weight out fast as I can, controlled and tight. Hit the bar x a slew, then 95 x 15, then 135 x 10, all of which were feeling realllll good. Hit 185 x 6 which also felt great, so I loaded up 205. Goal was to hit a 5 x 5 and it was feeling really good. Pretty fast and easy, reps were no problem, so I hit 4 sets and then for the 5th, loaded up 225. I was able to hit the first 3 reps fast and in bb fashion, then on the final two had to "powerlifter" up a little, pull the weight a little lower and really treat them as fast singles. Still, I got them which ties my PR at 225, and AFTER 20 reps at 200 +. Pretty damn good.

Next, pec flies. hit 10's for a set of 15, then 15's for 3 x 15.

Next, t-bar rows, did 4 sets of 20

And finally, some half-assed grip work.

So, overall a really solid day. Bench is feeling great, and I really think I have had a breakthrough on how to improve it - on my heavy day, really work on PERFECT technique, speed, and treating each rep as a single. On the lighter day, focus on tension, banging reps out BB style, and really building up my chest, triceps, connective tissue, etc. I'm getting REAL hopeful that 275 is going to go up in just a few weeks. Lets keep at it.

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