Thursday, October 3, 2013

Speed squat and Front squat

Good day. Ripped through my workout cause I was on a time limit. Went really well.

Started with speed squats. I was NOT perfect today. Something was a little wonky with my squats. I think I'm just a little bit tight, and because of that I was having trouble keeping my positions perfect. My feet kept sneaking closer during my sets, and I was having a little bit of "butt shoots back, chest dip" at times. But I tried to fight it, to keep my bar path straight, and to really focus on speed and precision. Working up in sets of 5, hit the bar, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, then went up to 315, belted up, and hit it for a really nice single - again form was a tiny bit off, but it was really fast and easy. Then, went back down with really little rest - 275 x 5, 225, 185, 135, 95, and the bar. So 60 squats plus a nice rep at 315. Felt good, although my legs were really tired from moving so fast, both rep speed and speed through the sets haha.

Next, front squats. Plan was to do some heavy singles today, anywhere between 275 and 315, and it went well! Not perfect, but really well especially considering how many squats I had already done and how fast I was moving. Hit 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 225 x 1, then belted up and hit 275 x 1, 285 x 1, and finally 295 x 1. That last one was hard, but considering how much I had done, and how shitty they were feeling I'll take it haha.

Finally, made a small deficit (maybe and inch and a half) and did some touch n go deads. hit a set of 12 at 135, then a set of 12 at 225, then back down to 135 for 15, all double overhand, all easy, all with a focus on squeezing my butt.

So, good day! Hopefully my body will get healing, and next monday I will be moving fast AND be able to keep better technique. I want to do some serious damage to whatever weight I pick that day. Lets keep at it.

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