Thursday, October 24, 2013

Front squat 275 x 6, 315 x 1

Great day for front squats today.

Started with speed squats. Didn't feel great to be honest. Not bad, but i wasn't quite as fast as I wanted. Form was good though, and speed was good. I worked to focus on it. Tried to keep everything nice and easy, athletic smooth and fast, although I have to say I feel stronger when I am a little more aggressive than calm now. Anyways. hit the bar x 10, then 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, then 275 for about 5 singles until I was feeling pretty smooth and fast. Then went to 315 and hit it for 3 singles, none of which were too hard but also not very easy or fast. Tried to focus up on being faster into the hole with each successive rep. After the 3 singles, dropped to 225 and hit it for 3 doubles, trying to focus on speed into the hole on the first rep, and doing a double bounced rep on the second. I think the double bounce might be a movement that helps me a lot - like a pause squat, except better for my style of squat (because with a pause squat my butt shifts too far back).

Anyways, next up were front squats. These didn't feel great at first. Hit 135 x 4, 185 x 3, and 225 x 2 all with a double bounce on the last rep. Then, Loaded up 275, belted up, and went after it. I knew I was gonna get an easy 5. I just had to take time between reps and focus. I smashed it for 5, then did a 6th rep with a pause in the bottom. Awesome. It felt so good that I jumped up to 315 because I knew I would make it, and I wanted to boost my confidence because I KNOW I can front squat 325-335 easy in the next week or two. And I smashed it, even easier than last time I hit it (and that's after a huge PR already).

Finally, did deficit deadlifts, using 25 lb plates instead of standing on plates. Hit 95 x 16, 145 x 12, 195 x 10, and finally a little bit of a rep out at 245 - 12 easy reps.

Feeling really good. Wasn't a great day, but I am STILL getting fucking stronger even on bad days. I need to heal up and focus up for the next few weeks, but I am getting STRONGER STRONGER STRONGER, undeniably. Lets keep at it.

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