Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bench 235 x 3, 240 x 2, 245 x 1

Three bench Pr's today. Must be doing something right.

First of all, just wanna say I weighed myself this morning for the first time in a while, and I weight a cool 222. Basically, about the same weight I was when I left school, only I am looking more solid and muscular and less soft. Still have a ways to go before I'm anywhere near "lean" and "big" but hey, 220 + and "not fat" is a fine place to be haha.

Anyways, like squatting yesterday the plan was to work up to a heavy triple, and to do it in less sets with bigger jumps. I will say that I made smaller jumps towards the end, but hey it's a process, and I have often had trouble making bigger jumps with bench so I played it a little safe. SO I hit the bar for a ton, then 95 felt like a breeze, and I knew I was having a good day. Hit 135 x 10, then straight to 185 x 5 with a pause on the 5th rep, and then my first triple, 205 x 3 with a pause on the third rep. I would also like to say that, despite my absurd paranoia as the workout went on that I am using to much momentum, or "bouncing," and that I would never be able to pause the heavier reps I was doing, those paused reps felt EXACTLY like the touch n go reps leading up to them, and that's without me doing any paused work. Anyways, went from 205 to 220 and smashed it for a triple, so I decided to go right to my goal for the day, 235. And I nailed a triple at that weight! Thing is, I could have been a little tighter, and I STILL nailed it. Last rep was a grind though haha. However, I was feeling so good that I decided, even though that was a PR, that I was gonna get a new 1 rep. So, I loaded up 240, rested, and hit it. This time, I was tighter, and the rep I hit was so fast that I hit it for a second rep on the fly. Then, went up again and nailed 245 as well - got a little tough at lockout, and even so it was pretty smooth and fast. So there you have it! 3 Pr's today, and 6 reps at 100% +. Clearly, what I am doing is working, I just need to keep my head straight and STOP doubting myself that I am somehow setting myself up to SUCK at paused benching. I just need to stay the course, have fun and get STRONGER.

Now, despite a great bench session the rest of my workout was a little less great haha. Because I was feeling strong, I kept my close grip, feet-up benching a little heavier, at 185. I wanted to try and hit it for 3 x 10, but unfortunately today was not my day. I hit it for 9, 8, and 7 reps. That;s not too bad, but I was a bit unsatisfied. I don't know why, but I felt like I could have done better - like perhaps my technique could have been a little tighter, so I would have gotten a better pump/felt like I worked harder. Anyways, that's still not half bad. Maybe I'll try and take these a little lighter for a couple weeks, then come back and see what I can do with 185.

After that, I decided to push press heavy, because I was gunning for a spot on the gym record board. I was a little pooped out, but I warmed up with the bar, then hit 135 x 5, 185 x 3, and 225 x 1 with the belt, all completely easy. I'm not sure if I have ever push pressed 225, but I know I have never done it that easily. So, I loaded up 255, which is what I wanted to beat, and gave it 3 good attempts. Each time I was able to push it high, above my head, and I could feel that I was so close to lockout - but I just couldn't get it. Made me pretty mad because I was so close. I don't know if it was that my technique isn't as practice, if I was a little tired, or if it's simply too heavy, but I was close. And in all fairness, I was competing against a record that was't my own haha. I probably could have smashed 235 and even 245 today, which would have been a PR. It's okay - perhaps I'll put in some work and try again next time I'm back at CFD.

Finally, did some dumbell rowing to hit the back. Truth be told, I really need to be better about back work when I get back to school - which I think will be easier, because there are a plethora of machines that make back work less miserable and more interesting. Anyways, didn't push too hard on these rows, but tried to get some quality volume and hard work in - with a stricter dumbell rowing form, I rowed the 50 lb dumbell for 3 sets of 33 reps each side (plus a bonus rep) to round out at 100 total reps. Felt good.

So, overall a kickass day. I am really gaining some bench strength, and I need to just keep on pushing. Can't wait to keep making gainss, and to get back to school and start motivating myself in my new surroundings. Lets keep at it.

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