Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stretch + cardio

Feel great after todays short but productive session. I focused on cardio and stretching, and my body is thanking me haha. Hopefully, with a good nights sleep I will be able to kick some serious ass tomorrow.

Haters gonna hate 

Started with some cardio. One reason that I am really happy to be at school finally is the plethora of options for cardio. Running for long distances just kind of blows at my size haha. I feel good running for a little bit, then I start to get joint pain and I feel like shit. Does that mean I can't do it? No. But it does mean that here, where I have rowing machines, a pool, ellipticals, stationary bikes, and treadmills with great uphills, I have a lot of different ways to do slightly lower impact cardio. So, today I started out on the bike, and honestly it sucked haha. It is way too easy and too uncomfortable for me. However, I stayed on it for a full 20 minutes - a big part of this is just going to be getting in the habit of doing 20 minutes of cardio on wednesday and saturday, no if's ands or buts. I think saturday I may do some uphill treadmill instead.

Next, did some stretching/mobility work. Basically, I loved those two movements I did sunday - really close front squat, and really wide back squat - to help with my ankle, back, and hip mobility. So, what I did is simply do 5 sets of each of those, with stretching in between. So front squat - bar, stretch, 95, stretch, 135, s, 135, s, 135. Then repeat with the ultra wide back squats. Overall, this felt great. For the first time in a couple days, my lower body feels relaxed and not sore, crampy, or tight. I definitely need to keep doing this, if I can increase my mobility just a couple centimeters over the course of the semester in both of these positions, plus slightly increase my strength in those compromised positions, I think it will make a huge difference in my squat.

Finally, finished up with some curls, just for fun. Haven't hit the biceps in a while.

So, overall a very productive day. I think keeping this cardio and mobility work in is going to make a huge difference in how I feel - last year I got nice and huge, but also a little fat and that doesn't feel good. If I keep eating a ton, training my ass off, and also am good about the cardio and mobility work, I think I will pack on some serious pounds of muscle, while keeping my bodyfat down and still feeling really good, flexible, and mobile even as I get stronger and huger. Can't wait to train the next couple days! Lets keep at it.

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