Thursday, July 11, 2013

Squat 275 x 10

After todays squats, I feel like smeagol. Sickly and crazy. That being said, good day!

Started with a nice long warmup, then some high rep squatting. Felt alright, so I started working. Focus was on sets of 10, trying to keep form really nice and speed/explosiveness at the top of my list of priorities. Hit the bar for 10, then 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, and finally, 275 x 10. Form was really good up until the 275, where it definitely fell apart a little bit, probably due to lack of focus on each rep because of the set at large. Still, 275 x 10 is nothing to be bummed about, especially since I got in 50 quality reps before it. And, I DEFINITELY had another rep or two in the tank, no question. However, because form wasn't PERFECT, I decided to do a few more singles at 275. I ended up hitting 5 more reps, trying to really focus on nice form, and the reps were all solid, smooth, faster and cleaner.

Next, decided to do a ton of front squats. Originally, I was thinking about going up heavy with them, then doing some deadlifts as well, but instead I decided to just work my ass off on front squats. Hit 135 x 5, 165 x 4, 185 x 3, 205 x 2 all with beautiful form - flat back, fast, smooth. Then switched to singles. Hit 225 x 1, 245 x 1, then 255 for a hard but solid single. I was planning on trying to do a slew of singles at 255 with limited rest, but unfortunately I failed the next rep! So I dropped back a little bit and hit (for singles) 225, 225, 235, 245, 255, 255, 255. These were hard, but my form is really great up until 245. Those 255's were UGLY, every one of them lol. Back goes, I hit a gnarly sticking point, and I REALLY have to fight to make the rep. But hey, I had already done a TON of squatting. And besides, the point of going heavy on front squats is to work on my back strength and ability to fight it wanting to round over. I think I need to keep doing heavier front squats, maybe at like 225 ish, for reps to just work on keeping that back locked into place.

So, simple workout today, but pretty brutal. Definitely got a ton of quality volume in. I am pooped. Time to rest up and eat so that tomorrow isn't miserable lol. Lets keep at it.

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