Friday, July 19, 2013

Bench - 5 x 10 165

Had a good workout today.

First of all, want to say I was FUCKED up from my workout yesterday. But, it ended up being a good thing! my lower back was bothering me SO much that I googled "ways to sleep for lower back health" and discovered that I pretty much always sleep on my stomach. So, I forced myself to sleep on my side with a pillow between my knees, and oh my god my back felt better this morning than it has in weeks! I think that the way I have been sleeping may account for all the lower back pain and stiffness I have had recently.

Anyways, warmed up and got to work! Had the idea of doing a 5 x 10 at 165 today, with the option to increase weight! went really well. Hit the bar for a slew, then 95 x 10 and 135 x 10. Then, got to work. Hit 165 x 1, then a second set of 10. Didn't feel great - my elbow joints were super stiff and whatnot from squatting yesterday. But both sets were pretty solid and pretty easy, so I went up! Hit 175 for 10, 10, and then a final set of 10. Felt great. Very bodybuilder-esque. Reps weren't fast or easy, but very controlled, very solid, I was able to muscle through even when they FELT hard. Really great! I think I might need to simply to slightly less reps with more weight. Sets of 10 felt great in terms of form and strength, so I should probably work with slightly heavier weights to challenge my form and my ability to push through.

Next, did some chinups. Shot for 20 total reps. Hit a set of 50, followed by 5 sets of 3. Form could have been stricter on the last couple sets, but I was trying not to rest to much so what can you do.

Finally, did a superset to end the day - Overhead press with 135 and straight-arm pulldowns with like 20 lbs. Press doesn't feel great, but you know what - I think that is okay. I have ALWAYS been good at press, far better than I am at benching. And I think it's a case of me "majoring in the minors." Everyone says pressing is important, and I agree! However, that's more for people who are good at benching and suck at pressing. I am good at pressing and suck at benching haha. So I don't think it's really a big deal for me to shift focus away from it, and really treat it only as assistance. Anyways, hit 135 for a set of 8, 6, and 7. In between, I hit the straight arm pulldown for sets of 15-25. Those pulldowns felt GREAT. Really blew up my lats. It's a great exercise because you can use light weight and REALLY focus on squeezing the lats. I think I need to use these more, they feel like they will really help with back mass and width.

Anyways, good workout! I am feeling very tired out and worn down - its been a hard week of training! gotta rest up this weekend, probably take it a little easy tomorrow and really rest a lot sunday, then come back strong and ready to work! Lets keep at it.

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