Friday, July 26, 2013

Bench 195, 5 x 5

Good workout today!

Felt like shit warming up haha. I don;t know why, I was just not feeling it today. My lower back has been so shitty lately, I think I need to devote some more time to stretching and decompressing it, Maybe spend some time in the bottom of a squat. Anyways, started benching, bar x a slew, 95 x 15, 135 x 10, 165 x 7. All of which felt fine, except I just was NOT feeling warm at all. Went up to 195 and hit it for the first set of 5. it wasn't BAD, but I just wasn't warm enough so form was a little wonky. Still, made all 5 reps. Then, I settled into a groove and was able to hit it for a 2nd, 3rd and 4th set that were all very nice. Smooth, strong, awesome. Final set was a little shitty though... I decided, based on the other sets, that I could get an extra rep or two on this final set, So I had "rep out" in my mind, and that threw me off. I definitely set up a little differently, which hurt me - my first rep was a sloppy one, and then I was too wound up so I started getting a nasty ass cramp as I moved through the rest of the set. However, I still managed to hit a solid 6 reps, which I am happy with. My PR at 195 is 8 reps, so a solid set of 6 after 20 other reps is very solid.

Next up, incline bench, which went way better than I expected! I haven't done this in a while, so I decided to do 4 sets to failure with 135. I think the most I have ever done at 135 is 5 x 8, but I sat down to hit that first set to failure, and nailed a set of 12! I was pretty freakin happy with that. Kept the rest a little shorter on these, and ended up hitting 3 more sets: 10, 8, and 7. Not too bad! I don't know why I seem to have improved haha. Perhaps it is thr touch n go work I am doing, or the close grip, feet up benching I am doing. But I am happy to have done so well, and to have worked hard.

Next, did some cable rows. Pretty light, 40 lbs, but I did 3 sets of 20 with pretty limited rest, focusing on the squeeze best I could. Felt good.

Next, did some pec flies! pretty light, dumbell handles with 5's on them, did 3 sets of 12. I have never really done these before, and I must say I don;t like how they feel haha. There's a nasty stretch. However, got a pretty good pump even with the light ass weight, and I figure ANYTHING that helps improve pec size or strength is going to help with my bench, so maybe I will play with these more.

Finally, did some straight arm pulldowns with 30 lbs, wider grip, did 3 sets of 16. These felt good, although I think going a little lighter and stricter would have been better. Still, ended with a great pump through my whole upper body - triceps from incline, chest from flies, upper back from rows, and lats from the pulldowns. Feels good man.

So, good workout! Fun and productive. Gonna rest a lot this weekend, and then I will be free from theater! and I can throw myself into training like never before. Lets keep at it.

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