Monday, November 11, 2013

Mock Meet 3: 1175 Total

Really fun day. Decided that, instead of just maxing my squat, then my bench, then deadlift next week, I would simply do a mock meet, hit all the lifts today, and that would give me more time to actually train (i.e. do something useful), rather than just testing.

Started with Squats! did a great job caffinating for my squats haha - a big cup of coffee, then an energy drink during the squats and I was feeling great. Hit the bar, 135, 225, and 315 for warmups, and although technique was a little iffy (kept getting a little forward/having trouble hitting my stretch reflex right), I was feeling very strong. Smashed 375 for a single, then jumped to 415 and although it was slow, it was a great rep. I decided to go to 435 and simply didn;t have it today - nothing overtly terrible about the rep, just failed it haha. I think I definitely had some pounds in the tank, probably about 425. Not as strong as I want to be, but hey - that's a 10 lb pr with weight in the tank. Next time, I will have to hit 425 as a second attempt and then see what's left.

Next up, bench. I decided to do paused bench, more or less to 1) doa  lift where I didn't have prior expectations, because I had already "planned" what to hit touch n go, but doign a full meet meant I needed to change my expectations, and 2) to make it more authentic. Warmed up, felt good. Paused the weight a little higher on the chest today. Hit 225, then a REALLY solid rep at 245 for a 5 lb paused pr, then 255 for a 15 lb paused PR. Finally, attempted 260 to try and tie my touch n go PR, but didn;t have it today. I think what I have been doing has been working GREAT for bench, but that perhaps I will add, after my rep-outs on bench, a paused single so I get SLIGHTLY more paused work in, without changing much.

Finally, deadlifts. Wasn't sure what to expect here, since I haven't done any speed or heavy deads in quite a while. But, I took a pre workout - assault, it was great - and got to work. Got the lowr back a little extra warm, pulled 135 for 10 easy reps just to warm up, then got started. Smashed 135, 225, 315, 405 without a belt, then belted up and crushed 455. Loaded 485 and pulled it with ease, although I shifted my knees forward and ended up with quite a bit of "hitching." However, loaded 505, got in the right place in my mind, sniffed some ammonia and pulled that shit - this time, with significantly less "hitching." I'm putting that in quotes, because it is honestly not a true hitch - I'm not doing it because I NEED to to lock the weight out, I simply have a bad habit of shifting my knees under the bar, which essentially looks just like a hitch. I need to be careful with that. However, over all I am super happy with the results of this meet - total is 1175, a 115 lb pr from the start of the summer. In addition, hit all time PR's on every lift - 10 lbs for squat, 15 for paused bench, and 40 for deadlift, and finally broke 500 on deadlift. Here's the video.

So, where to from here? I think I have a great plan laid out. Basically, I'm going to take a couple days to recover and stretch then spend the rest of this week doing some fun olympic lifting stuff. Then, the next two weeks are going to be dedicated to building some work capacity - really high rep stuff with moderate weights, to get my muscles growing, my work capacity up, etc. Then, I have a scheduled "deload" before finals, when I think I am going to do some more olympic lifting. Essentally, the next 3 and a half weeks are just going to be dedicated to building some muscle, work capacity, speed, athleticism, mobility, and just having some fun. Then, I'm going to start another 4 or 5 week cycle of EXACTLY what I have been doing, and hopefully, after this short "building" period, I will be able to get REALLY strong with 4 or so hard weeks of training, which will culminate in me testing a little bit after christmas. This meet was really good, but not perfect, and I'm HOPING that after christmas, I can go 445 or 455, 275, and 525. Lets keep at it.

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