Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bench 190 x 2 x 9

Decent day today. Not great but decent.

Started with bench. Got warm and then got working, working up in sets of 10. Hit 95, 145, then 195 x 9. 9th rep was really hard, so I didn't even attempt a 10th. Dropped back to 95 and again hit that x 10, 145, and then 195 x 9 again. I attempted a 10th this time because 9 was easier, but I simply got stuck and couldn't grind it out. Overall, that's not too bad - 9 is technically a PR at that weight, and a new 9rm (despite the fact that, with my old style, I hit 185 x 15). And form felt really great today, this new technique is coming very naturally to me. Honestly, part of the reason it wasn't a great workout is probably largely because of the different equipment and stuff. Still a little disappointed I didn't make the 10 reps, but I think next week will be a different story.

Next, dropped back to 145 and hit it, close grip and feet up, but with an emphasis on controlling the weight down. Hit it for a tough 11 reps, but I think doing CGFUBP this was is gonna be WAY more productive. Dropped back to 95 and hit it for a set of CGFUBP as well, only this time with a long negative - 5 second, then as soon as it touched my chest an explosive press. I honestly got one of the BIGGEST chest pumps I have ever gotten from this. I think utilizing negatives to help me learn how to squeeze down, maintain tension, explode, and simply grow more muscle is going to be great.

Next, 4 sets of 25 straight arm lat pulldowns.

Finally, 3 sets of bar starz, only with horizontal pullups this time. Honestly, I almost like this better - it allows me to do more pulling than regular pullups, and the angle is a LOT tougher on the grip because it works your fingers more.

So, overall a good workout. I wishI had done better on the heavy reps, but I got a lot of work in, technique is feeling great, and I experimented with some new, great tools to get stronger. I think, despite not feeling quite as strong as I want to RIGHT NOW, gains are going to start coming very soon. Lets keep at it.

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