Friday, November 29, 2013

Front squat 245 x 9, 6

A little bit of a disappointing day today. Perhaps I shouldn't be disappointed, but I am a little.

Started with front squats. Warmed up, then got to working... hit 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 185 x 3, 225 x 2, then attacked 245. I squatted it for a really solid 9 - not super hard, back was starting to get pretty tired from holding the weight that long, and a few reps I was sitting back a little more than I should have, but I KNOW I could have gotten a 10th rep, and possibly even more (12 was in the back of my mind). However, I royally screwed up the 10th rep - I think it was completely mental - and literally paused it in the bottom, double bounced, and tried to squat it up.... made it almost halfway too, before I failed. I was pretty angry, because there is NO doubt I could have gotten 10+, and that would have made me SO much happier, so I even attempted the weight again. Despite my back being clearly tired out, I still thought I might have 10 in me... but then on 6 I AGAIN paused in the bottom. This time I squatted it up, but racked it immediately after. Again, pretty disgruntled about this, because I feel like stupid technical and mental weaknesses prevented me from completing a set that could have been GREAT. But, in the end, I need to consider some things. 1) This workout was about working hard, as I am still in the 2-week "work" period, not about specific numbers. 2) I did absolutely nothing yesterday except eat and drink booze - no stretching, no mobility, nothing. 3) I think the shoes might be part of the problem - the instability isn't anything crazy, but I think it is enough to throw me off, and my defense mechanism was to pause to regain balance. 4) 9 reps at 245 beltless is still a pretty big PR. And I KNOW I could have gotten 10.

Next, hit some long paused fronts. Used 225, and I hit it for 3 sets of 2 - one regular rep, one rep with a 5 second pause at rock bottom. Felt good, and really tired out my quads.

Finally, pulled 275 from a 3-4 inch deficit - hit it for 6, 6, then 10 with very limited rest.

So, overall a little disappointed today, but got in a LOT of solid work, which is the real end goal. Form felt a little crappy, but it's honestly hard to objectively judge anything - form, strength, reps, - with all the factors that are different. I am starting to feel very antsy, like I need to be training with more focus and whatnot. But I think that is good. These couple weeks gave me a mental deload by mixing things up, while simultaneously helping me to improve my work capacity and strength with higher reps. After this weekend, it will be time to focus up again, get back my chalk, shoes, belt, knee sleeves, and continue working my ass off - but in a way designed to make me peak. If I can hit the sets and reps that I am planning on hitting, I will be MUCH stronger at the end of the next 4 weeks. Lets keep at it.

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