Thursday, November 7, 2013

Deload squat

Kept the squats super light today. Still felt like shit haha.

Tok some time getting warm, then hit the bar for a set and threw up 135. Hit it for 9 triples, trying to do them in clusters of 3 sets - longer rest. Didn't feel great, to be honest. Still just a little creaky, and light weight felt heavier than it should have today. Also, form just wasn't on point. I felt like I was getting a bit forward on certain reps - have to be careful to keep that torso upright - and I felt like I was calling some reps early. The issue isn't depth - rather, it's that if I call a rep too early, I'm "reversing" the squat, rather than using a stretch reflex. Yes, I am calling the reps a tiny bit earlier, but it needs to be 99% as low as rock bottom, and certain reps today were like 95% and were slower because of that. But it's okay, just using these squats to keep form in my mind, to get blood flowing and keep my nerves and muscles firing and healing.

After the squats, hit 5 x 2 front squats with a double bounce on the second rep, to just stretch me out and keep form nice.

Finally, did 3 sets of deads. Hit a set of 10 singles, a touch n go set of 10, and then a set of 10 half-dead stop for speed and half touch n go.

Feeling like shit, but on the way towards full recovery and huge PR's! lets keep at it.

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