Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Soggy Day

Today I felt kind of soggy. Not much intensity in the workout, but it still went very well.

Ideal Physique? + skin, of course

First off, a nice PR on 5/3/1 bench. Crushed my warmups, but got a little nervous for my big set at 200, got a little dizzy and loose under the weight. Even so, hit it for 5 clean reps, a 2 rep PR. I don't think I could have gotten 6 on THAT set, but on a better set I think 6 was a definite possibility. Still, I'll happily take the PR, especially since 200 x 3 is where I failed last time on bench 5/3/1

Next, did 175 for 3 sets of 7 paused bench. This was tough, but very solid.

Finally, hit 155 x 14, which is pretty good for a less - than - ideal state of focus and intensity. I wish it had been a rep or two more, but not bad.

Next, Kroc rows weren't too bad. hit a set of 33 each arm. Gonna keep scootching the reps up on these, build that back big.

Strict press was feeling a bit lagging today, but I had a pretty good day. hit 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 155 x 1, 165 x 1, then went to 170 for 5 singles. All were tough at lockout, but solid reps (though I was a little mad because I felt like I used a little leg drive on the last one, which is something I rarely do). Never hit 170 for that many singles before. Would have been nice to have felt stronger and been able to push up to 175, but maybe next week. After, dropped back to 135 and hit it for 9 paused reps pretty solidly.

Finally, 4 sets of 5 pullups, alternating between regular grip and close chinup grip.

Overall, solid day. Need to be more focused and intense. My music failed me today, but that can't be an excuse, especially if it might continue to fail me haha. Time to dig deep and keep pushing, it's definitely paying off.

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