Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Many PR's

My shoulder was nagging me a lot more than I hoped it would today - but luckily it didn't feel like anything I did was making it worse. So, I pushed through with caution, and ended up having an awesome day.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Weight felt pretty light, but unfortunately setting up/unracking just made my shoulder tweaky, so I was kind of concerned about that. Also, even though the weight felt light, my form was a little wonky. hit 95 x 10, 135 x 10, then 160 x 5 - easy, but a little wobbly. 180 x 3 was also fairly easy, but a little wobbly. Finally, set up for 205. Got under it, shoulder felt alright. Hit it for the first rep, and that was a pice of shit - it got totally weird and wobbly, but I got it. The second rep, however, was much nice and went up easy, so I took a big breath and hit 3, which was a nice rep, but difficult and I had to really fight to get through the sticking point. 3 reps at 205 is a PR, which I'm pretty happy with considering my shoulder situation, and the fact that my first rep was horrible haha. Hopefully next time I will be a little more in the groove and able to focus, and I'll be able to make that 3 look easy, maybe even get 4.

After that, dropped to 180, and pushed hard with these, doing 3 sets of 5. That's fuckin awesome, considering my rep PR at 180 is only 7 touch and go hahaha. I love paused bench.

Finally, dropped to 160 and ended up hitting this for a pr - got 12 touch and go reps and then paused a 13th. Very nice.

Instead of doing kroc rows as heavy as usual, I instead did a ton of reps at a light weight, hoping to help my shoulder along. Used a 50 lb dumbell, and rowed it for a set of 75 followed quickly by a set of 25 for each arm. That's a lot of reps, but it wasn't too hard. Got a lot of blood flowing though, hopefully it will help the shoulder.

I was tentative about strict pressing, but the pressing wasn't really hurting me - getting into the position was a little bothersome, but I just kept moving slow, and ended up working up to 165 for 5 singles. these were solid - 2 or 3 of them moved fast and smooth, the other 2 were tougher, getting caught before lockout. But I still got all 5, and again considering the shoulder situation that's great. Dropped back afterwards to 135, and hit it for 8 paused reps, which ties my touch and go PR and that weight. Again, very cool.

Finally, did a couple neutral pullups, but these more than anything else bothered my shoulder so I stopped, and did a bunch of re-hab straight arm cable pulls instead, again just trying to get a lot of blood flowing. As of now, shoulder looks a little swollen and it a little more inflamed/painful than yesterday and this morning, but overall feels decent. Hopefully rest/rehab tomorrow, in conjunction with the work I did today, will get it healing up, and I won't need to factor it in for  thursday and fridays workouts. However, either way I'll make it through, and then it will have all of deload week to rest from heavy weights.

Great day. Lets keep at it.

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