Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Back off man

Today was a mixed day. Overall, I performed very well, but I am a little annoyed with myself for pushing perhaps a little further than I should have on strict press.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Hit the bar, then 95 x 12 and 135 x 10, then 150 x 3, 170 x 3, and finally 195 x 5. Very happy with that set, weight moved really nice. One issue - I was trying to move the weight really smoothly and fast, and I think I ended up slamming my chest a little harder than I want to, especially on the last rep or two. I want to move fast, and it feels good when it's in the groove like that, but I don't want to be bouncing the bar or out of control. BUT, I did a paused rep after a short rest, and demolished it, which made me feel better. Just gonna try and be a little more careful and controlled on thursday when I do this weight for a ton of doubles.

Next, destroyed my paused reps at 170. Did 3 sets of 5 with no problem. These are awesome, I'm gonna keep pushing them hard.

Finally, rep out at 150 went pretty well. Got 14 reps, and did a better job keeping the groove without slamming the weight. And considering I worked very hard on the 195 and 170, That's a pretty good rep - out.

Next, kroc rows were a bitch. These are just so fuckin hard. Did a set of 40 each side with the 100. Gonna keep pushing these till I get sets of 50, then probably start doing 2 sets.

Next, strict press. I felt really good today, which was a curse almost as much as it was good. What I have BEEN doing (and has been working amazingly) is working up to a heavy weight, and hitting it for a bunch of singles. BUT, because I felt good today, I got a PR in my head. hit the bar, 95 x 5, 135 x 3, and crushed 155 x 1. Then I jumped straight to 175, but my rep was a little sloppy (shrugged it a bit), AND I missed it over my head. It was stupid, I should have taken advantage of the good day and gone to 165 and WRECKED shit, but instead I did a shitty half rep at 175. Luckily, I think I salvaged it okay - dropped to 155 and did 5 doubles at that weight. Just light enough that I could get the weight after losing all morale and intensity after that miss, but heavy enough to be a grind. After those 5 doubles I dropped to 135 and hit it for 7 paused reps.

Finally, intermingled with my final pressing sets, did 3 x 6 neutral pullups.

SO, my performance was great today. Gotta make sure not to do silly things. PR's are fun but they're not going to make me as strong as smarter, harder work. Still, I'm in week 8 and still doing great. 6 more real workouts, then my "deload." Hopefully that will heal me enough that I can demolish the final 9 weeks of this program, and I will be SO much stronger by christmastime. We will see.

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