Friday, October 26, 2012

I carry this shit on my fucking back

Crazy day. Motivated by THIS song.

Started with bench. Felt awesome and crazy today. Hit the bar for a few sets, 95, 135, then up to 135. The 10 sets of 3 were cake, like speed work. On the 10th set, I decided to do a set to failure of paused reps. Got 7 great reps, and just BARELY missed the 8th rep at lockout. That's better than my touch and go PR over the summer, and it was after 27 other reps. Sick.

Next, strict press. hit the bar, then 110 x 5, 130 x 5, and finally 145 x 7 or 8. I'm pretty sure it was 8 but either way it's a sick PR. Then hit 130 x 9 paused reps and 110 x 9 paused reps.

Next, did a shitload of pulling volume. Standing cable rowed 110 x 30, 110 x 25, and 120 x 20.

Next, did some dumbell pressing, cause I wanted too. warmed up with 45 x 8 with a pause, then did 55 x 10, 7, and 8 all paused reps.

Finally, lat pulldowned 180 x 3 sets of 10.

Awesome day. Double press PR's with reps, and tons of pulling volume. I am starting to get visibly huger. My abs are still almost as visible as when I started the diet, and my arms and traps are starting to look much bigger. after only 1 month of eating big. Gotta keep downing as much good food as I can and keep lifting HARD as a motherfucker. And keep having fun.

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