Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Running + arms

Great workout today
Cheetah spirit

Started with running. As it is week 1, I kept the running nice and easy. Warmed up, set my timer for 12 minutes, and picked a route that was nice and flat. It went very well. I took it pretty easy, ran probably a little over a mile in the 12 minutes. Wasn't particularly easy, but not too hard. Got a bit of a stitch, but I think that's just because I'm not used to the breathing yet. Overall, the goal is just to keep my heart rate up for 12 mins, so distance doesn't really matter. I will probably try and make it a little bit further the next time around, however, just to push myself a bit. I'm thinking I'll keep the route the same until I hit 15 mins, then maybe change the route to include some light hills, etc.

Next up, arms. Started with close grip bench, going on the 3 minutes. Hit 75 x 20 or so, 95 x 15, 115 x 12, 135 x 12, then 145 x 12, 6, 6. Again, pressing really gets tough with the limited rest haha. Got a nice tricep pump, however, which is the real point.

Curls were next, again on the 3 minutes. Hit a warmup set with a pair of tens, then threw on another pair of tens and curled it for 15, 12, 12 really focusing on squeezing the muscle. Got a nasty pump, which felt good.

Finally, rested 5 mins or so then did a mini wod, 15 curls/15 skullcrushers with a pair of tens on the curl bar, 3 rounds as fast as possible. This was nasty for my biceps, but easy on the triceps till the very end. I think I need to have slightly different reps on this - maybe bump the weight up, and do 10/15 or something of the sort. Oh also, measured my arms after the pump, and they were 16.5. On the way up!

Overall, got a great pump. Running is tough right now, but I think I will adjust pretty quickly. Getting excited to see some progress as far as leanness goes. It's very strange for me to be training largely for aesthetics, focusing on arms, high rep low-rest stuff, running, leaning out, etc. But it's also fun to work on something totally different from my normal training for a while. Lets keep at it.

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