Sunday, June 30, 2013

Arms 2 + Europa Fitness Expo

Yesterday was a pretty good workout!

Started with Incline bench, which went fairly badly on wednesday. Warmed up, then hit the bar, then 95 x 6, and proceeded to just work up in sets of 6 - hit 115, 125, 135, 145, and finally 155. WHICH is cool because Last time I tried to do 155 x 6 I only got 5. So that is actual improvement! Kinda cool.

Next, because I was a little tight on time, I threw 2 tens on the curl bar and did a set of 10 curls, slow and mind-muscle connection like, and then sets of incline bench at 125 - only sets of 5 because they were really hard haha. Did 3, and on the last set hit 20 on curls and 6 on incline bench.

Finally, Did a set of 30 curls and a set of 30 skullcrushers as an attempt at a finisher. It was early, I was tired, but I did the best I could haha.

BUT THEN I picked up Gillian, my lovely girlfriend, and we drove into Hartford for the day to go to the Europa Fitness Expo! It was a total blast. There was fighting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit competitions, as well as a million supplement vendors and gear stands set up all over the place. We spent the whole day there, checking out the competitions, picking up free samples, and just enjoying the atmosphere! I didn't even look like I lifted compared to about 50% of the people there haha. I bought some brand new knee sleeves, which I'm excited about! I don't really like the idea of compression on my knees when I squat, because it makes me feel like I'm cheating (which is retarded, I'm way too hard on myself), but I figure if I am going to be doing this a long time, I need to take care of my knees. So I'm excited to break those in tomorrow! Also, got a ton of free pre-workout samples, which is awesome. Since I never use them, I can save them until I am max deadlifting haha. That worked AWESOME last time, and I'm sure it will work again.

After the expo, had a nice cheat meal of 3/4 of a pizza covered in chicken, and a bit to drink.

So anyways, that was a blast! Looking forward to training tomorrow... squatting with my new knee sleeves should be fun, then BACK TRAINING begins. It's gonna take a little time to feel out this back work, but I am SO excited to just get my fucking back strong and huge so that I can DESTROY my next max deadlift.

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