Started with 5/3/1 bench. Did a nice long warmup, then got to work - still working on my setup. Today, I pretty much kept everything the same as usual, except with an added focus on my feet and trying not to let them turn out too far. Hit the bar, then 95, then 135, and got down to my work sets. Hit 155 x 5 and it felt alright. same with 175 x 5. Neither was great, but both were solid. Weight seemed to be moving a little slower, but more controlled than normal, which might be a good thing. Loaded up 195 and hit it for a very solid 5. If I'm being honest, it wasn't as easy as I might have hoped, and the 5th rep had a little more "recoil" (loosening then squeezing tight to blast it off the chest) than I might have liked. But I definitely had reps in the tank, though whether it was 1 or 3 I do not know. Need to remember, however, that my focus is on getting in great shape, not on size this summer. While I am sure I will maintain and even gain strength, it's okay that every day isn't easy as I want it to be - just so long as I make all my sets and reps with good form.
Next, backoff sets, on the 3 mins. Hit 175 for 5 with a long ass pause. Pretty slow but also solid. Then, hit 155 for 5 with long pauses (probably 3-5 seconds each). Felt good.
Next, heavy rows for 3 sets. I picked 185 as a started weight for these, and I think that was a good choice. Basically, I strapped up and did a yates row type pull, with a little body language, on the 3 mins for 3 sets of 10. Pretty good workout, definitely felt it in my lats and upper back, even after just the first set. I'm thinking maybe I will stick with 185 for another week of two at least, although eventually I will probably push up heavier even if I have to drop reps, just for the sake of change.
Next, touch n go strict press with 135 was funny. Knocked the rest down to doing a set every 2 mins. I decided to start with 3 sets to failure. First set was great, hit a pretty easy set of 11, decided not to go for 12 cause I probably wouldn't have gotten it, but I was happy with 11. The next set I barely got 5, however, and the final set I got 2 - managed to blast 3 to a pint where I don't think I have EVER failed a press before, and failed haha. My strength is SERIOUSLY hurt when I limit the rest on these, which is interesting and good to know. Next week, I will definitely be more conservative with my number of reps, and push for more sets - perhaps I'll try for a 5 x 5 just to feel that out, and push the last set/do more sets if I think it's too easy.
Finally, light rows. Chose 95 for this, went every 2 mins, supinated, and did 5 sets of 12. I wish I had gone a little heavier with these. By the end of the 5 sets it was quite a bit harder, but I was using really strict form, and the first 3 sets I didn't feel like I was working hard enough. definitely not a waste of time, but I think I would rather go 115 ish, use a little body language, and maybe even do 5 x 10 or something. But hey, live and learn.
Overall, good workout. Again, still working the kinks out a tiny bit, but I think next tuesday will be a lot smoother, AND I still got a great workout. The focus on back stuff, while weird, will be really good for me I think, and I am excited to see how my pressing progressing with this new technique of using touch n go, pause, AND long pause. Tomorrow, running and arms. Lets keep at it.
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