Monday, July 2, 2012


Today was a powerful powerful day.

Started with 5/3/1 squats. I hate to say it, but I have been fearing this workout for a while. 300 for reps is very daunting. However, I decided today to demolish this workout, hit it with everything I have and conquer my fear, and I did that. Started with 135, then 185, then jumped right to my work sets: 235 x 5, 270 x 3. Then I loaded up 300 and hit it for 8 reps. 7 was solid, rep 8 was incredibly hard and slow, but I pushed through. Im very happy with this. First of all, it shows me how much I have left in me, and how much progress I have left to make on 5/3/1. Second of all, it was a conquering of my fear. And third - when I started this program 6 months ago, my first 5 week was 215 for reps - I only got 8. I increased my 8rm by 85 lbs over the past 6 months. Pretty insane.

On an unrelated note, I'm so excited for the olympics

The rest of my workout was rough because I gave that 300 everything. But I still made it through and did well.

Speed deads were at 265, from a 2 inch deficit. These weren't easy, and they weren't especially fast, but that's alright - that's kind of the point of having a heavy week. And they moved alright, especially considering that I just squatted like crazy. Next week, weight goes back down and the deficit goes back up.

Next were 5 x 10 squats at 195. Tried to take these sets pretty quick. 5 x 10 squats is never easy, but these aren't too hard either. My form wasn't the best today, and I felt tired and shitty, but I made them as nice as I could and took the sets pretty quickly. Next week these move up to 205, and after that for 3 weeks it will be the end of 5 x 10 squats for a while. Which I am ready for. They have given me great power, but it's time to change that up a little bit, that's for sure.

More olympic excitement

Finally, ended with 3 sets of hollow rocks. These are feeling better every week. I really love this movement, even though it is incredibly hard.

SO, powerful day. Excited for the rest of this week, AND excited to get through my final cycle before a week off/some programming changes! Very cool.

PS: Fat loss has begun to kind of stall... I think I'm still cutting fat slowly but surely, but that my metabolism has slowed a bit. I would guess that i'm right around 12% BF now, maybe even closer to 11 - my abs are all visible when flexed, but only barely visible when relaxed. Definitely not at 10 or under yet. What I'm thinking is that, after this week, I'm going to add a 3 hour cheat meal in on tuesdays, in addition to my cheat day on friday night into saturday. I'll try this for my final 3 week cycle, and see if I feel like I start to lean out a little more. If so, then I'll keep my diet like that after I return from my rest week/vacation. If not, then I'll drop back to 1 cheat a week, and try and be patient - and if in a few months I'm still not making progress towards < 10%, then I'll need to re-evaluate my nutrition. We will see.

Food porn. 

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