Saturday, July 7, 2012


I feel like deep-fried AIDS as I'm writing this, so you can guess what kind of day it was in the gym.

Felt pretty good starting out. Took my time warming up, and worked up to 275 for a very nice triple. HOWEVER, after that 275 I jumped straight to 315, and it was a HORRIBLE rep. I tried to control it on the way down, but what ended up happening is I sank WAY into the bottom, lost all tension, and then was pretty much up shit creek without a paddle. It was only 315 though, so I was determined not to miss the rep - so what followed was about a 6-8 second struggle to the top which took every ounce of strength I had. My face felt like it was going to explode from the pressure. Afterwards, my knees were aching, my entire lower body was trembling and exhausted, and I felt like I was dying.

Nice to know I could hit that weight even on the worst of reps, but holy hell I hope I never have a squat that bad again.

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