Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lifty Lifty Bench

Today was a tough day. Yesterday was a really good day and I worked my ass off, and I think that's part of what made today rough. Even so, it was a solid workout.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. My form and strength wasn't at it's best, but I wasn't feeling horrible. Hit 95, 135, then straight to 160 for 5. Then 180 for 3. Then, racked up 205 and hit it. First rep was tough, second was a little sloppy and pretty slow, but I pushed through and locked it out. I'm not sure if it was strength or form that made that second one pretty tough, but either way 205 was my PR for the LONGEST time - hitting that weight for a double is cool.

Next up was 5 x 10 bench at 145, and this was a LOT tougher than last week, which re-affirmed my suspicions that I was just having a tough day. I tried to push the pace a little, but the second set was tough without resting much, so I took some more time between sets. Even so, these were rough, and on the final set I only got 8 reps. Still, this isn't too bad, considering it was a tough day. I'll probably hit it again next week, and If I can push through a little better, move up to 155 for the final two weeks.

Kroc rows were actually pretty good this week. I really pushed myself, ended up doing a set of 35 each side. These are so hard, they mack my back explode. They're awesome though. Gonna keep pushing these. Once I go back to school, I can only use 100lb bells, so I'll have to probably start doing sets of 30 or something. But for now, I'm just gonna keep pushing my max set to amrap.

Overhead pressing was cool. Dead stop, did 95 x 10, 105 x 8, 115 x 6, 125 x 4, 135 x 2, and then 145 x 1. It's pretty cool that I can get 145 even on a bad day, after a ton of other pressing.

Finally, did some kipped pullups (without crippling headaches). I hit 3 sets of 20 today, which is the most I've done since I was Crossfitting. That's just too many fucking reps though, I think I'm going to start weighting these so I don't have to do so damn many.

Overall, a very tough but solid day. Benching that 205 for a double is really cool. Three more weeks, lets keep getting stronger.

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