Friday, February 24, 2012

Speed bench with a snapped-up back

As the twins would say, I bought myself a one-way ticket to snap city

Today was actually decent. When i woke up this morning, that upper-left part of my back was ALL snapped up. I think i must have pulled a muscle benching on tuesday, because it doesn't make sense that it would hurt this much, and for so long, just from sitting with bad posture or sleeping on it wrong. In any case, I was figuring today would be a piece of shit. But I forced myself to get under the bar anyway, and it definitely paid off. Speed bench and 5/3/1 overhead press were solid, as were 5 x 5 rows, and my dumbell bench (3 sets to failure) and lat pulldowns (5 x 10) were actually better than I was hoping for. so all in all, not a bad day. Now, I just have to fucking heal the next two rest days, so I can squat like a motherfucker on monday. No more of this "breathing hurts" shit, that needs to be gone.

On a side note, I can't fucking stand skinny, weak people with horrible form, who are actually coaching their dumbass friends in the gym. Everyone should get one thing straight: coaching is REALLY fucking hard. It takes a LOT of experience not just lifting, but learning how to coach and cue the lifts, before you can be an effective coach. I know, because I went through a period where I tried to teach people how to lift, and was fucking terrible at it. I knew how to do them myself, but explaining that to someone who has never lifted before takes more understanding than just how to move weights oneself. In the past 7 or 8 months especially, I've made it a point to try and get more and more coaching experience, preferably paired with a friend who is a MUCH better coach than me, so that I can learn how to properly teach others, and I'm getting a lot better. But anyways, my point is this: if you're new to lifting, you probably can't tell the difference between a jacked, strong friend who is good at coaching, and a jacked, strong friend who isn't, so i understand if you're in the gym with a meathead who isn't the best teacher. but why the FUCK would you be in the gym, taking shitty lessons from this fuck?

The only thing worse than being that guy, is being the guy dumb enough to use this guy as a personal trainer. Don't be a fuck. find someone who at least MIGHT know their shit. Or, better yet, go read something on your own and learn for yourself
Go forth and stop listening to shitheads.

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