Monday, October 28, 2013

Great Day: Squat 365 x 5, Deadlift 405 x 3

Great day today. Everything came together and I had one of the best training sessions I have had in a while.

Started with squats. First, I should say that my mind was in the PERFECT place today. I was full of testosterone, but more than that - I was visualizing and focusing perfectly the whole workout. I would listen to my music, focus, and think about some serious, emotional things that just allowed me to ride adrenaline for each set. I was crushing the weight like never before. In addition to that, my technique, speed and strength were all on point today. The result was that I could simply release myself, attack each set with as much hate and aggression as I could muster, and smash it. Warmed up a lot, then hit the bar x 10, 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 1, and destroyed every fucking rep. Focused in, belted up, chalked up, gathered as much emotion as I could and went after 365. I smashed reps 1-3. 4 was very hard, but I fought through and took time to breathe and focus at the top. Then, I hit rep 5 and although I felt like my eyes were going to explode out of my head, I got it. Really happy with that, a bit milestone and a 2 rep PR. Honestly, I think the ONLY thing that I could have done better today would have been to take a couple more breaths between reps. I think reps 4 and 5 were only as hard as they were cause I did reps 1-4 so fast. But overall, awesome awesome squatting.

Next, decided to do some deadlifts, from a dead stop and starting fully in position, without pumping my legs the way I normally do. I decided to work up to a heavy 3, simply because I was curious what I could do, and although I don't think it's as productive as the lighter touch n go stuff I have been doing, it was fun to go heavy and I think the heavy stimulus RIGHt NOW is going to help with super compensation. So, I hit 125, 165, 205, 245, 285, 325, 365, and finally 405 for an EASY triple. I used a lot of back/ had a bit of rounding, but MAN that triple was easy. I did it from a dead stop, without my normal setup, without a belt, after HEAVY squats, and it was still fucking cake which is cool. Now, no more heavy deadlifts for a while. Just going to focus on lighter rep stuff, the stuff that has been making my deadlift stronger. Touch n go, deficit stuff, etc. That stuff seems to be working really well to build my deadlift so I need to keep on it.

Finally, hit 3 sets of 20 back extensions with just bodyweight, focusing on squeezing my butt.

So, great day. Feeling really strong, really happy. Gotta focus hard on recovery, but the rest of this week should be fun! Couple more heavy lifts, then a bigggg taper leading up to maxes in 2 weeks! Lets keep at it.

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