Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bench 215 x 8

PR today, but not what I wanted nor what I should have gotten.

Started warming up today, and just wasn't feeling 100% once I started benching. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had to wait on a bench, so my warmup was a little out of synch with the start of my lifting, but I just wasn't feeling great - especially compared to last tuesday, when I was very clearly feeling great. Hit the bar, 95, 135, and 185, trying to both hit a few reps as singles, with my focus on tight lats, a low touch and bar speed, and hit some reps more "BB" style to get my pecs and tendons all warm and my stabilizers stabilizing. Then, went to 215 and hit it for a set of 8. Attempted a 9th and failed, after a good fight. I really wanted to hit this for 10 today, so I was a bit angry. Basically, I think there were two factors - first, I needed to be tighter. Like yesterday, each rep wasn't perfect, and I think that's probably the reason I got 8 reps instead of 9. Lats needed to be tighter so I could really spring the weight off the chest, arch could have been tighter, bar path could have been straighter, and elbows could have stayed tucked better. However, I also think it was just not a great day. I have been sick, I trained really hard yesterday, and to be honest I think I am a little over trained and under-recovered. My joints feel like shit, I am achey and sore and tired, and I think that is also probably part of the reason I didn't EXCEL today. However, a PR is a PR. I will do my best to be happy with it for now.

Next, backed off to 175 and hit it for cgfubp. This felt really heavy today, maybe cause it's just a little too heavy for this movement, but I think probably because this movement ALWAYS gives me the most trouble when I need rest. Hit it for 11, and then another set of 5.

Next, hit the lat pullover machine for 4 sets of 25 - one at 50 lbs, one at 65, and the last two at 80. Felt good.

Finally. bar starz with the fat bars that hurt my hands like a motherfucker. Did one set of 8 wide grip pullups, kipped, that felt good.

So, nothing crazy today. Not the day I wanted, don't feel great after, but it was still quality work. I think now that the heavy part of the week is over, I REALLY need to emphasize recovery for the rets of the week - that means lot of food, plenty of sleep, a real focus on stretching and foam rolling tomorrow on my off day, and if need be light weights thursday and friday. I wanted to hit some heavier front squats and some heavy volume bench, but maybe I will trim both of those workouts if I have to. I really want to come in feeling strong, healthy, fast and flexible when I try and hit 365 and 235 for reps - the hight reps were tough on form, but I'm hoping that I will be able to keep my technique really nice on these next weights, and hopefully hit some PR sets of 5-6. Lets keep at it.

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