Friday, January 11, 2013

Upper body pressing

Today was nothing too special, but solid. 

Mass on the mind

Started with Bench. Warmed up and hit 200 x 15 sets of 2, with 4 reps on the final set. I don't have much to say about this. It doesn't feel great, I still feel slow and the reps aren't easy, but truth be told I would say it feels better today than it did tuesday. I actually feel more optimistic about making progress today, just based on feel. I just hope progress comes soon, because of the way the progression is. I think I'm just going to ride it out, try and focus on getting in a lot of quality reps. If I end up needing to re-set, so be it. But hopefully I will start to make gains above and beyond the progression soon. We will see. 

Strict press was okay. Hit 120 x 3, 135 x 3, then 155 x 6. I really wanted 7, and thought I was goign to get it easy based on how the first couple reps felt, but then 6 slowed down and I missed 7. Still ties my PR, but not as good as I hoped. Pushed for 135 x 10, then got 120 x 9. 

Did some pendelay rows a little heavier today. hit 95 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 6, then 205 for 3 sets of 4. Felt good. 

Benched a little for my second pressing movement. I did long pause reps, between 2-3 seconds, and worked up doing a set every 2-3 minutes. Hit 135 x 6, 155 x 5, 175 x 4, 185 x 3, 195 x 2, and 205 x 1. Later sets were very hard. I kind of liked the long pause, really felt my chest working which I think is important for me right now. But I think doing lighter sets with more reps might be a better move, even if I did them with a regular pause and focused on speed. Heavy today was okay, but in general I think I need more easy reps to get my bench moving. 

Finally, did 25 pullups. FINALLY I have figured out how to kip them fast again hahaha. I have been doing them sort of one at a time, and today I got in the rhythm of banging them out, the down of one rep turning into the kip for the next rep. Hopefully I will be able to use this technique to better fatigue my muscles and make some more size and strength gains. 

So, alright day. Not great but solid. Just need to keep at benching, and hope strength comes faster rather than slower. Lets keep at it. 

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