Saturday, January 12, 2013

Power Clean and Jerk

Today was a lot of fun. I have pretty much decided that on saturdays, instead of doing pressing and squatting (which I am already doing 2-3 times a week) I am going to pick any more athletic and dynamic movement I want (probably mostly variations on strongman events or olympic lifts), work technique and then go up moderately heavy, probably ending with some kind of mock event (like max reps in 75 seconds). Some ideas for the future - power snatch, muscle snatch, power cleans, push press, farmers walk, deadlifts from pins, weighted holds, mock shield carries, etc.

Today I powerclean and jerked. Didn't do an "event" at the end because I didn't want to risk hurting myself (I have a history of powerclean injuries). However, went heavy and had fun.

Started with 75 lbs for 3 triples, and worked up really slowly to try and practice technique and NOT injure myself. hit 95 x 3 doubles, then 115 for 3 singles, then 135 x 2 singles. Then swiched to singles and moved up 10 lbs at a time. 145, 155, 165 and 175 were all easy. 185 started feeling heavy, but was still solid, as was 195. 205 was a little bit shitty - this is where form started going away, but the weight still wasn't bad. Then, I missed 215 and then missed it again, although I pulled it more than high enough to powerclean it. My biggest problem it seems is just that I am really stiff and not comfortable with the movement. When it gets up heavy I am trying to manhandle the weight up, and that is keeping me too tight and preventing me from getting under the bar. I need to jump the weight up and let the bar float, focus on pulling under and getting my elbows around. 205 isn't bad though, I
m happy with that.

I was push jerking the weights, and had no problems, so after missing 215 I racked the bar with plans of jerking up heavier. However, I missed 215 the first time and barely made it the second, so I called it there. No point in being stupid.

So overall, a good fun workout. I definitely want to continue working on powerclean form, as well as work on learning full cleans, and snatch variations. However, I think next week I might focus on a less technical lift so that I can go heavier and do a strongman-type challenge. Lets keep at it.

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