Monday, December 3, 2012

Good squat day

Even though I was full of pains today, it was a good squat day. My right knee was feeling achey and stiff, my left shoulder felt like shit as well, and my right calf was crampin like a mofo. However, overall it was a really great workout. 

Started with 5/3/1 squats. Hit 2 warmup sets apiece with the bar, 125, and 185, then hit 230 x 5, 265 x 5, and finally 300 x 8. The last set was really good - I tried to stay focused and keep intensity, but while being very calm and moving the weight like it was 125. The first 4 reps were very solid. Rep 5, I got caught a little soft and really had to fight to get the weight up. On rep 6 and 7, I then overcompensated a little by shifting my weight a bit too far forward - not horrible, just a little on my toes. By rep 8, my back was about ready to give up, but 9 would have been a PR, so I went for it, and I REALLY think I would have gotten it if my form had been perfect. But unfortunately, I was forward again, and at this point I was just too tired to correct it or fight through, so I dumped. Still, 8 ties my PR (which is the best squat set I have done to date), and these were deeper and belt less. Very happy. 

Speed deads were really good. Did 12 x 1 at 265 from a 2 plate deficit. The first pull was a little weird because I set up like a normal pull, which was just too far away from a deficit. On the rest of the sets, I set up maybe 2 inches closer to the bar than normal, and the pulls were really solid and fast. I don't like changing my setup, but I don't think it will really affect my regular deads negatively at all, and the deficit pulls have been working for a long time so I'm gonna stick with them. Hopefully 285 and 305 will move even close to as well as 265 did. 

Finally, re-racked that 265 and did it for a 5 x 5. Really happy with this as well - first of all, it is by far the heaviest 5 x 5 I have ever done, and my form was really feeling great. On the last set, I pushed and hit 8 reps, which again is really good. My legs were feeling it afterwards. 

Finally, did a bunch of slow and controlled situps in a big set to hit my core. 

Overall, an awesome day. Feeling really strong, form is feeling great, and I feel like I can keep pushing hard and smart and make some serious gains these last few weeks. Hopefully next monday I can go up a little heavy after that 5 x 5. I'm just starting to get very excited to keep pushing these heavy weights, and to max out in a couple weeks. Lets keep at it. 

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