Thursday, December 20, 2012

Front Squat PR

Today was a sick day.

Started with 335 squat for 10 sets of 1. It was very good. My positions were kind of off today. I was having a lot of trouble moving the weight fast and with nice technique. The first rep was good but not as fast as it could have been. Second and third I moved down faster, but got out of position and had a really hard time getting them up. Fourth was better, but then I unfortunately missed on the 5th one. I kept my head right though, and just re-racked it and took a lot of time between the last six reps. Those final 6 got steadily better. They were hard because that weight is fuckin HEAVY for me, but each rep my technique was a little better and I was able to descend a little smoother and faster. My final rep was probably the best, really nice down and fast on the way up. I think a big part of the problem was just that my back skin hurts, so I was having trouble positioning the bar right because I was trying to keep it off my bloody wound haha. On that 10th rep, I just sucked it up and put the bar where it needed to go, and it moved nicely. Monday, I'll do the same thing and hopefully crush some squats. And then I can let my back skin heal for a week! Yay.

Front squatting went awesome. I really wanted to max out - after heavy squats obviously was not the best time, but there was really no other time to do it. I figured I would throw on the belt, hit the heaviest single I could, and understand it might not be as much as I wanted. I just was going to get as close to 275 as I could. I was kicking ass though. hit 135 x 7, 185 x 4, 225 x 1, then threw the belt on. CRUSHED 245 x 1, then 260 x 1 which was a 5 lb pr. Then I went to 275 and nailed that too. Really happy with that. Even after all the squats, I may have had a few pounds left in me, which is awesome. A 20 lb PR, and 40 lbs on my front squat from the summer. Gonna keep at these, maybe try and hit 295   next time I max out, and be close to 315 by the start of the summer.

It's been forever since I put up a video. Hopefully there will be quite a few next week.

Then, deadlifts were feeling amazing. I was crushing 225 and 275. Ripped 325 too, then went up to 365. Hit it for one really perfect flat backed single, then two more singles - second, back rounded only a tiny bit, and the third I was round, but still not bad. These felt awesome and I'm so pumped up to max out next week. I think when i'm fresh, belted, and a little more lenient with rounding, I'm gonna nail some big weight.

Finally, ended with 3 x 20 situps.

Overall, insane day. ANOTHER PR! I think this is 9 in a row hahaha. Kicking ass, making gains, and really pumped to finish up tomorrow and then max out. Lets keep at it!

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