Monday, December 17, 2012

Big Squat PR

Today was a big squat PR for me. I was nervous switching gyms, cause I hate change. But the transition was smooth and I had a great workout today.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Hit the bar for a bunch while I warmed up, then 135 for a couple sets. Took a while to get warm today, reps felt a little wonky at times, but overall I felt very good. Jumped straight to 225 and hit it for 7 easy but a little but sloppy reps. Loaded up 265 and started trying to really focus for the work sets. Nailed it for 5, then went to 300 and nailed that for 3. Finally, loaded up 335. I took my time getting mentally and physically ready. In the end, I just got under the weight as calmly as I could, and nailed it for 3 reps. First rep was very solid, second was tough, and the 3rd was CRAZY slow. But all three were with nice form and I made it! That's a huge PR for me - over the summer, with a completely different style, a lot less depth, and a belt, this was my 1rm. And today I hit it for a solid triple. That is DECIDEDLY stronger, whatever my max next monday. And considering the amount of setbacks I had to deal with, I am very proud of this accomplishment. I didn't let my ego get in my way - I needed to fix some problems, and so I took my weights back and did what I had to do. And now I am stronger and better than ever, and on the road to more and more PR's. Very cool.

Speed deadlifts were alright today. 305 for 8 sets of 1 on the minute from a 3-4 inch deficit. They didn't feel hard at all - just a little bit slower today than usual. I felt like I was having a hard time using my hips as well as I normally do (sort of felt that way on the squats too). But at the same time, the plates I was standing on were a little weird and different than I am used to, and I did just squat my PR for a triple, so maybe my body/nerves were just a little tired out. Either way, the weight didn't feel heavy. Hopefully I can move 365 nicely on thursday. Either way, I'm planning on crushing some big weight when I max out.

Finally, 5 x 5 squats went well. I started at 135, then hit 225, then up to 265 and that was a LOT better haha, wish I did this the last two weeks instead of jumping straight to my work weight. Anyways, the 5 sets of 5 were fine. My back skin was hurting a lot, so I just did all the reps with a REALLY high bar position, which was good - it made the 5 x 5 a little harder, and made me really focus on keeping my chest up, AND saved my back skin.

Finally, ended with 5 sets of 12 situps.

Overall, a very awesome workout. Psyched with the PR and ready for it to be next week. Lets keep at it.

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