I decided to close grip pause bench up heavy today. Yesterday was shitty, and I just felt like doing something a little heavy today to have fun. I figured close grip wouldn't take much out of me, and it actually went really well. With the close grip, (which fucks up my setup and unrack a lot), and boots and shit on, I hit a really solid paused single at 215, which is awesome. I tried 225 and something fuckin weird happened, it just kind of plooped and didn't go anywhere. Not really a big deal to me though, I wrecked that 215 which was really better than I ever imagined.
After, I did one big set of curls, 75 reps with a regular straight bar. Hurt a lot and got a nice pump.
Also today, I was thinking about my next cycle. I'm thinking, that unless I demolish my next few weeks, I am going to re-set both bench and squat 5/3/1 just a few cycles - probably set bench back so my 5 week is 185 again, and set squat back so 315 is 1 week. I figure this will give me tons of growing room, and even though I don't NEED to re-set right away per se, I would rather set myself up to grow consistently the next 6 months than wait until I actually stall and then have to re-set further.
Also also, I decided to definitely leave the weights for my new thursday squat sessions (again, over 9 weeks: 5 x 10, 5 x 10, 5 x 8, 5 x 8, 5 x 6, 5 x 6, 5 x 4, 5 x 4, 5 x 2.) up to the individual day. The part of me that loves programming wants me to set weights for each weight, but Basicalle
1) I don't want to limit myself
2) I don't want the mental strain of feeling like I HAVE to hit certain weights, I want to be able to take it easy one week if I feel like shit
3) Especially in the first 6 weeks or so, even moving weight well below my "x rep max" is going to help me make huge progress in terms of muscle gain, technique improvement, and work capacity
4) I think If I just take it week by week and push, I will end up hitting numbers beyond what I might reasonably imagine now.
So anyways, that's all for now. Excited for tomorrow, it's going to be a tough workout. Lets keep at it.
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