Thursday, March 22, 2012

Miserable (but good) workout

Today was a really good day, but it was HARD. Speed squats were at 175, and they were good, although it took a little time to get back in the groove of doing them after two weeks. Then, today was heavy squats at 275. Normally, I would do a set of 2 without the belt and a set of 2 with on the first week of a three week cycle - however, I'm hoping to push heavy next week, and so I decided to go a little harder today. My goal (which was lofty) was to squat the 275 for 5 free and 5 with the belt. In the end, I called it at 4 free - they were solid but hard reps, and my form was a little off, and I didn't want to risk missing. and then, I hit it for 5 with the belt.  and then I finished out the day with a 5 x 5 front squats with 155 (10 on the last set) and a 2:30 plank, which was entirely agonizing. Everything hurt today, and i was feeling sick and horrible through most of my workout, but except for not getting that 5th rep on the free 275 squats (a very high goal anyways), it was a pretty great workout. I'm proud of myself for not being a little bitch, even though I really was thinking about calling it early today.

Also, glance at the future: I think, for my first heavy day on saturday, I might do a heavy single front squat. My current pr is 215, and I think I could definitely break that saturday. Plus, I haven't done a "fresh" front squat in months - they always come at the end of my workout, so I'm not only weaker but my form is extra horrible. SO, maybe I'll go heavy on those saturday, and see how it feels to do them fresh and heavy with nice form.

Squat heavy motherfuckers!

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