Monday, December 23, 2013

Squat 405 x 3

Good day today! Not perfect, but really good.

Started with squats. DEFINITELY was feeling better than last week - lower back felt better after the rest this weekend, food definitely felt better than no food haha. Got nice and warm, and started squatting. Form was really solid. Hit the bar x 8 or so, then 135 x 5, 225 x 3, 315 x 1, then put on a loose belt and hit probably the easier 365 of my life. So, racked it, loaded 405, tightened the belt and went after it. Hit a very solid 3 reps - solid enough that I caught my breath at the top and went for a 4th. Even if it had been a perfect rep, it would have been very tough and I might have failed - and it was not perfect haha. I got off balance, and my body responded by letting go of the bar with my left hand and grabbing my left leg. Somehow, I actually managed to stand that weight up haha, which tells me that perhaps that 4th rep was in there. But that was a stupid and dangerous move, and I need to be careful not to do that shit in the future. Anyways, 3 reps is really good! I would have preferred 4 or 5, that's for sure. But here's the thing - it was a really solid 3, and considering the fact that I am a) a bit sick right now, and b) at the end of a cycle, where overtraining sets in, I am really happy with that 3! That tells me that, even today when I am a bit under the weather because of hard training and sickness, I would have a crack at 445, my goal next week. Now, if I can recover really well, get better from this sickness, eat right, and really just keep the training light/mobility work high this next week hopefully I will feel amazing on tuesday and will SMASH 445 and be able to take a shot at 455, which would be really awesome.

Next, in order to keep up with the heavy weight and the "peaking," I decided to push my beltless paused squats up heavy for the first time. I started doing these at the beginning of this cycle, and feel like they have helped me a ton. I started with just a few sets of 3 at 225, and recently hit 315 for a couple sets, 3 being the most. So, today I simply decided to work up heavy. Hit 225 x 2, then 275, 315, 335, 350, and finally 365. 365 was VERY slow, probably a 98% effort haha. However, it was a smooth rep, and that is REALLY good, better than I had even hoped for! A 50 lb pr. Clearly I have significantly improved my power out of the hole, and the fact that that rep was beltless is pretty badass too.

Finally, kept light on the deadlifts, both to aid recovery/keep the lower back feeling good. Just pulled 185 for a bunch of deadlifts - sets of 5-10, some double overhand, some snatch grip, some touch n go and some dead stop.

So, good day! I would have preferred 4-5 squats at 405, but I'm still clearly stronger, and with proper recovery I will only improve over the next week. Also, that paused squat is a pleasant and well-earned surprise! One more hard workout tomorrow, then just focus on healing up and christmastime food/relaxation! Lets keep at it.

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