Thursday, December 12, 2013

Front squat 315 x 5

Really good day, which is especially cool considering I was working all day yesterday and didn't get a chance to stretch and whatnot. Very happy with my workout today.

Started with front squat. Felt alright, nothing special but not bad. Got nice and warm, and then started working up. Hit the bar, then 95 x 6, 135 x 4, 185 x 3, 225 x 2, and then 275 x 1 as my final beltless rep. I worked up pretty fast, as it was fairly cold today and I felt like the extra blood/movement was a good move. Loaded up 315, chalked up, belted up, and went after it. First rep was solid, but not so great that I KNEW I would have all 5 reps. However, I just kept breathing and hitting reps, trying to focus on keeping my quads loaded and not sitting back too far. Hit a tough but really solid 5. After I racked it, I watched the video and I have to say that it looked significantly better/easier than it felt. I don't know if I had a rep in the tank, but if I had to bet I would bet that I could have squeezed out rep 6 if I needed to. That's pretty cool, especially considering that coming into this semester I had NEVER front squatted 315. I hit it for my first single a few weeks into the semester.... and now today I repped it for 5. Really awesome.

Next, long paused front squats. Hit 225 x 1,1, 255 x 1, 1, then 275 x 1, 1. Pretty happy with that cause last week I only long paused 275 x 1, and today I did it for 2 singles. Then, dropped back to 225 and did it for a long paused double - WAY harder on the core/midback. I might try and add more of these in in the near future - I am interested in developing both core stability AND power out of the hole, and maybe doubles would be a better in-between of these two things.

Finally, deadlifts. Kepts these relatively light and controlled, hitting 205 x 3 x 10 from a 2-3 inch defecit, double overhand. Just tried to focus on pushing with the legs and keeping my head neutral, locking the glutes. I think the time is coming for me to start keeping the assistance work a little easier, take advantage of lighter weights, higher reps, control over the weight, etc. I need to make sure I can heal up as I peak over the next 2.5 weeks

So, great day! Really happy with that PR, feeling strong. Front squat going up is good for both my back squat and my deadlift, so I'm happy! Can't wait to max next thursday, I think I have a real chance at 365. Lets keep at it.

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