Monday, April 1, 2013


Today was a kickass day. Went into the gym with a good attitude, moved the weight well, and had fun

Started with 5/3/1 squats. I had a good attitude today, and I was treating the weight like it was nothing, really moving nice and fast. Hit the bar for 10, then 135 for 10, 5. Then went to 225 and hit it for 7 or so. At this point, treating the weight like it was nothing was making me go a little too fast and a little too sloppy haha, so I switched slightly into a calmer mentality, a little more calculated and methodical. Loaded up 270 and focused up, treated it like it was 125 but took a little more time with the reps, and smashed it for 5. Same with 305, hit it for an easy 3 although I could have kept my chest up a little better. Finally, loaded up 340 and went at it. Focused hard on the first rep and smashed it. Really fast and beautiful. Reps 2 and 3 were the same, and then finally the 4th rep was almost as easy, it just slowed down a bit as I came out of the hole. But overall it was a beautiful set of 4, and I will say I DEFINITELY had at least 1 rep in the tank. Really happy with that.

Next, speed deadlifts were what I was REALLY looking forward to today. Then were heavier than I have ever done them - 335 for 8 x 1 on the minute. But I recently watched the videos of Pete Rubish and Chris Hickson hitting some new big pulls, and even chatted with Chris on a forum about the way I have been changing my setup/style. So I was really pumped up to hit these today. Dropped 205 on the ground and ripped it, then did the same with 285, then loaded up 335. I was more aggressive than normal with these pulls, and it really payed off. they were flying off the floor, soem of the best speed deadlift I have ever done, AND they are the heaviest I have ever done. On the first rep, I let the bar get a little bit out in front, but for almost all the other reps I kept everything in good position and simply smashed them. As Chris told me, I need to be careful with the faster setup to get my hips low enough, and keep the bar right up against my shins (things that go hand in hand). But I think if I keep working at this I will get more and more consistent, and this new speed is going to help me make HUGE gains on my deadlift. While with squatting I need to keep calm and methodical, with deadlift I need to be equal parts viciously aggressive and precise. With some work, I think I'm going to do some big things in the future.

Chris Hickson's latest video. He is just a month or so younger than me. 

Snatch grip deads also went really well. Maybe it's because I was so fast with the heavier pulls, but these were moving way faster than normal and easier than normal. hit 125 for 2 x 8, then 205 for 2 x 8, and finally 265 for a set of 8. Totally easy. I'm excited to be DONE with the sets of 8 and start going a little heavier.

And Pete's latest video too. Badass. 

Last, did a set of 40 situps.

So, badass day. I kicked ass with the squats and left a little in the tank, which was smart. I am finding more and more what works for me with deadlifts, and I feel like I am going to start smashing heavy pulls soon. And, finished out my high volume snatch grip work. Lets focus on recovery this week, keep  training fun and smart, and keep at it.

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