Monday, April 22, 2013

Huge PR: Squat 350 x 5

Today was a great day with a huge PR on the squat.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Felt pretty solid, and it being 1 week I was getting ready to really work hard on that heavy set. Started with the bar, then 125 for 10, 6. Then loaded up 205 and hit it for 10 with a paused rep around 7 or so. Next, did something I don't normally do - went straight from 205 to 285. It was a big jump, so I really focused up for it, and the set went very well! The jump didn't throw me off, and I nailed the set of 5 at that weight. Next, loaded up 315 and hit it for an easy triple. Finally, put 350 on the bar. Really tried to focus up, unracking with 125 in my mind, focused on just treating each rep as a single. First and second reps were great, fast and beautiful. On the third rep, I let the weight get a tiny bit out front - not too bad, but it cause my chest to come up slower than my hips. I managed to push through, however, and hit a very nice 4th rep. After that, I KNEW I could get a 5th, so I took some deep breaths and nailed it. It was slow and very hard, but also very solid. A set of 5 is far better than I had even hoped for at that weight. It wasn't perfect, but it was a great set, and a huge confidence booster. I know I am going to smash 405 in a few weeks. Here's the video.

Next, threw 245 on the ground and pulled it for a couple as a warmup, then started on my speed deads: 8 x 1 on the minute from a 1-plate at 335. These went very well. A couple were a tiny bit out in front, and overall they weren't EASY, but that's to be expected after those heavy ass squats, and they still were moving nice and fast.

Finally, dropped back to 125 for snatch grip deads. Hit 125 x 5, 125 x 5, 205 x 5, 285 x 5, and then finally 325 for a hard but very solid 5. It was my hook grip, more than anything else, that was the weak point here. However, 325 was the goal for a new 5rm on these. Now I'm switching to 3's, which is awesome.
Grow legs, GROWWWWW

So, overall, great day. Kick ass squat set, followed by some speedy pulls and a nice heavy set of snatch grip deads. Lets hope benching tomorrow goes nearly as well! And hopefully if I am smart and careful, I can keep having kickass workouts for the next 4 weeks, right up to my mock meet, where I will SMASH my goals. Lets keep at it!

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