Monday, September 3, 2012


Today I believe was the beginning of the strength explosion. As I predicted (and hoped), my body is starting to adapt to the new kind of squat, and my strength is starting to expand faster than the progression, which is amazing.

Started with 5/3/1 squats. Hit the bar for some reps, then 125, then went straight to 205, my first working weight. Hit that for 5, then 235 for 5, then went to 265. I crushed that weight, hitting it for 9 reps. The last rep or two were a little bit sloppy - rep 8 and maybe even 7 my chest dipped a bit, and rep 9 my knees came in a tad as I fought my way up. Even so, 9 reps is really nice. I'm going to try and call my sets a little earlier the next few weeks, at technical failure, because today I definitely pushed a rep or so further than I needed to. Still, compared to the 255 x 6 and the 270 x 5 I got last cycle, 265 x 9 is great.

Next were speed deadlifts - 12 x 1 at 245 from a deficit. I fucked these up today. They were flying up. I think the heavy work I've been doing on thursdays is really helping my speed work move quickly. If I keep pushing heavy on thurs, and the speed work continues to feel this great, I think I will deadlift a LOT come december. Very exciting.

Max Aita is the man

Finally, hit a 5 x 5 with 225 today, and crushed it. Minus one or two sloppy reps, this was no problem at all. I took little rest between sets (I'd say around 2 mins) and felt great. I'm really starting to get the feel for the movement, it's starting to feel much more natural, and I'm moving the weight at a nice speed where it feels smooth without being so fast that I lose control or tension.

Ended with 3 supersets of hollow rocks and back extensions.

Great day today. Unfortunately, I tweaked my shoulder yesterday trying to klokov press 140 (got 135 for 2 singles). It's still a little achey, but I don't think it's a serious injury, and it should be better soon I hope. But aside from that, things are going awesome. My legs are starting to seriously adapt, and with some luck, and a LOT of food and hard work, In a few months time I will be bigger and stronger than I was before I switched my squat style, and I'll be doing my reps with a smooth full range of motion. Very cool.

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