Monday, May 21, 2012

The Power

This is me today

I had the most powerful day today. Started out with 5/3/1 squats. I wasn't feeling great today, but I just kept at it and was moving the warmups nice. Hit 225 for 5, then 255 for 3, then went up to 280 for reps. This was far easier than I expected - I had my heart set on 5 reps, with 8 being my unlikely but just possible goal. I hit the first 4 easy. 5 was a sloppy rep where I lost my balance back, but even though it was slow and hard, I still finished, and had zero doubt in my mind that I had way more left. 6 7 and 8 were good enough that I know I had a 9th rep in me, but I called it anyways. Better to leave some in the tank. 

Next, speed deads at 245 off the high deficit were pretty good. They moved nicely, although the high deficit definitely made them challenging. Looking forward to moving the weight up and getting rid of the deficit next cycle. 

Next, 5 x 10 at 175 was cake. Not a single rep in the first four sets were really hard at all. Set 5, I got 20 reps without even really pushing. It wasn't exactly easy, but I could have definitely gotten 3, 4, 5 reps more without a doubt. 

Then, I did 3 sets of 30 ghd situps. After the ab work, I hung around for a while and started feeling pretty good - and when I feel good, I want to squat. So on a whim, I decided to - you guessed it - squat up to a max. Hit 135 for 5, 225 for 3, then 275 went up with no problem, so I went straight to 315 and crushed it. That's the 5th time in a row I've attempted and gotten that weight - and this was after more than 75 other squats. I'm incredibly happy with that. Now, I can NOT miss 315 ever again hahaha. 

SO, amazing day. Crushed my 1 weight, destroyed my 5 x 10, and then hit a heavy single over 95% without much problem at all. I don't know if it's the running or just the insane amount of heavy work I'm doing hahaha but my squats are still growing growing growing. Very exciting. 

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