Friday, May 4, 2012

Dead press

Today I feel only slightly better than I did yesterday. I slept better last night, but overall I'm still pretty sore and shitty feeling. HOWEVER, I'm sure loads of cheating on my diet and taking the next two days to rest will be a huge help, and I'll be full of power on monday.

Anyways, didn't want to push too hard today, but I did want to get in some quality technique work. Since I have been having trouble in my overhead press on rep 1 (where I have to press the weight from a dead stop), I decided to do some heavy singles with my OP, to work on getting better at that initial press, before the stretch reflex comes into play. So, I warmed up, then put 135 on the bar and pressed it for 1 rep, on the minute, for 15 minutes. This was pretty solid, so after 15 reps I got rid of the timer, and moved the weight up: hit 140 for 1, then 145, then 145 again, then missed 150. Then, I dropped the weight back down to 135, hitting it for another single and then a triple to finish it off. Over all, it was a solid workout - 145 is the weight I had trouble with last week, and I hit it for two singles, amidst a bunch of other heavy singles. Not too bad. I'm gonna keep working on that dead-stop pressing strength in my lighter work as well, so I make sure to never miss a weight on my 5/3/1 week.

Next, I simply did 3 sets of 10 kipped pullups. These weren't to bad.... I feel them a bit in my lats, but mostly it's my grip that gives me trouble. Elbows don't hurt at all, but they feel a little strange - I'm still pretty nervous about them getting really inflamed again, but I'm gonna continue feeling it out, and take that as it comes.

Anyways, nothing too special today. Looking forward to good food and rest, and then coming back hard next week.

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