Friday, January 3, 2014

Conditioning + core

Had a really good fun day today. Did some conditioning and core work that totally kicked my ass, but it was fun and I think it's gonna be REALLY good for me. 

Started with a nice warmup, then grabbed the prowler. Pushed it to warm up, then loaded it with two pairs of 45's. I was pushing it probably about 20-25 yards. So I pushed it every minute, on the minute. The plan was for 20-30 minutes. At first it wasn't bad at all but it slowly caught up to me haha. The legs were totally fine, really not tired at all, but my heart and my lungs were WORKING. By round 10 I was tired, and by round 20 I wasn't doing anymore haha. I definitely could have hit more rounds, but 20 was more cardio than I have done in a long while, and even though my legs felt okay they may still be messed up tomorrow haha. 

Took me a while to recover from that, but then I hit up some core work. Got on the ghd and did 3 sets of 20 sit-ups and then after that 3 sets of 20 back extensions. Again, the first set wasn't bad but whoo they got worse haha. My core and my cardiovascular system are so clearly my weak points. 

Anyways, really good workout! It was hard and kicked my ass, but I feel good working hard at the stuff I suck at haha. Obviously over the next two weeks I'm gonna need to shift focus to be about lifting more than pure cardio/core work, but still I think today and tomorrow's workouts should get me going in the right direction - increase my conditioning in my legs so they are prepared for gains, improve my cardiovascular health/overall gpp and work capacity, and hammering my core so that when I return to heavy belted work I will be able to crush it. So I'm happy. Gonna do another good conditioning workout tomorrow, try and mobilize on Sunday, and then get started just crushing the weight and my body on Monday. Can't wait, I think I'm really gonna have fun, make some serious gains and start to feel a lot better, healthier, like the way I look, etc. Lets keep at it! 

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