Today was a bit whacky. Definitely wasn't 100% recovered from... everything haha. Also, had to deal with the changeof equipment and setting, which threw off my form and my focus a bit. However, overall a really killer day.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Warmed up fast, hitting the bar, 155 x 10, 6, 225 x 8, then 285 x 5. Loaded up 325 and hit it for a really shitty 3 - something about the setup at mu home gym just makes me get caught forward on squats. First rep was okay, but the second was so forward that I had to take a stop to prevent myself from falling. Hit a third, but it was tougher cause of the shitty second. Loaded up 365 (even though weight was 360, f that haha) and hit it for a double, no belt. First rep was a bit forward, but still fairly solid despite the bad position. Second rep was better, but really tough, had to work my ass off to grind it out. But that is still pretty kickass, never done that beltless before. Plus, I moved my squat rack forward haha, I think the ground was just a little uneven, so hopefully the shift forward will make form tighter.
Next, speed deads were solid. Not very fast, but solid. Feet were maybe a little closer than normal cause of the setup - smaller plates. Pulled 335 x 8 singles from a two-plate deficit.

Finally, snatch deads went well. Not easy, but really good. Strapped up and hit 155 x a slew, then 225 x 3, 275 x 3, 315 x 3, and finally 365 x 3 solid reps. Probably had another in there if I felt like doing it.
Rested for maybe a half hour, then decided that, since I will have no time to train tomorrow and I actually felt pretty good, I would do the benching part of my workout today. Warmed up with the bar, then 95, then 135 and despite some extra crampy ass and having to play with form to adjust to my new bench, felt good. Loaded up 185 and hit it for 5, then 210 for a really solid 3. Loaded 235 and finally was good with the setup/lift. Hit it for a really solid single, and then a second rep that was certainly a max attempt, but I got it. Pretty happy with that. Ass was a tiny bit off the bench, but that was just cause it's a new bench. Backed off to 210 and hit it for 3 really nice easy singles with a very long pause.
So, good day. Doubled my squat PR from december, beltless and on a not-great day. Doubled my bench pr from december, beltless and without being even the least bit fresh. Pretty cool. Gonna finish that upper body workout on wednesday. Lets keep at it.
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