Sunday, May 5, 2013

Arms 2

Okay day. Wasn't quite right, and I'm feeling a little bummed right now.

Started with close grip, feet up bench to hit my triceps. Warmed up to 185, then tried to hit it for 20 reps as fast as I could. Got 5 in the first set, then pretty much just did sets of 2-3 with 30 seconds rest or so till I got to 20, took me about 7 minutes. No great pump from this.

Did some heavier straight bar curls next.

Did some skullcrushers with the straight bar after that.

Finally, tried to do some concentration curls but they felt so shitty I did cable curls instead. But I started feeling a weird, tingling warm sensation in my left elbow that made me completely paranoid that I was going to tear my bicep, so I stopped early.

I am feeling irritated about the whole thing. My elbow and tendons still feel kind of weird - not painful, just weird- and I can't get out of my head that there might be a problem and it is stressing me out. I really want to keep hitting my arms hard and often, but I am just feeling very uptight about this whole thing. I put a post on tnation about it though, in the hopes that some experienced BBers might be able to help me 1) know if anything is wrong, 2) know how to prevent it, and 3) maybe just chime in with advice about arm training in general, because I still haven't really figured out/decided what I like best - heavier arm training, 8-12 reps stuff, or high-ass rep shit. This type of training just isn't my strong suit, so I think asking for some advice is a good idea. Anyways, gonna try to keep my chin up and act like nothing is wrong. Lets keep at it.

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