Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Solid bench day: 220 x 3

Today was a solid day. Nothing crazy, but got in some good quality work.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Warmed up, trying to just take it easy. Hit 95 and 135 for a few sets, then got started. Hit 175 x 5, which felt okay. 195 x 3 felt much better. Loaded up 220, went after it calmly, trying to focus on just getting a beautiful single and then taking it from there. First rep was solid, but a little wobbly. Second was good, third was tough - I hit a nasty sticking point. HOWEVER, I also paused for a solid 1-2 seconds on the third rep. And, I honestly think it was still an easier 3 than the last time I tripled 220, which was touch n go. Afterwards, backed off to 195 and hit 3 very nice doubles with some long pauses. Trying not to overwork.

Took it really easy on rows, hitting the 50's for 2 sets of 30 each.

Strict press actually didn't feel great today, for the first time in a while. However, still kicked some ass, hitting 135 x 3 x 10. Excited to move up to 155 after this deload week!

Finally, did a set of 25 kipped pullups. It sucked, but hey I did it.

Overall, a very solid day. Gonna rest hard today and tomorrow, and then hopefully fuck shit up thursday and friday. Lets keep at it.

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