Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Odd Lifts Meet

Today was a blast. Not much to say about it other that it was super fun and I did great. Here's some general comments: 

1) Definitely this is a great test meet. I got stronger on every single lift, and I think that shows me that I will DEFINITELY be breaking some powerlifting PR's when I test in another 10 weeks. 

2) Clearly, my "peaking" method of 2 days off on the weekend, then 2 days of light lifting (lower and upper) worked really well. I will try this again with my regular Powerlifting meet, see if it pays off there as well. 

Front squat: Warmed up nice and slow, back was feeling a little tight but not bad. Hit the bar for 10 or so, then 125 x 2 sets of 5 with some paused reps sprinkled in. Then 185 x 4 with a pause on the first, and 185 x 3. Then 225 x 2, SMASHED 245 x 1, then smashed a belted 265 x 1, 285 x 1, and 305 x 1. wanted to try for 315 (I still think I had a shot), but a 30 lb PR is enough for one day. Can't wait to test again though, and aim for 315 or 325. 

P.S. weighed in at 223.5 today. Getting big. 

Strict press went great as well. Hit the bar, then 95, 135 x 7, 155 x 3, then a belted 170 x 1 that FLEW up. Then, smashed 185 x 1 as well. Loaded up 195 and hit it for a very easy single - so easy that I fucked up and went to 205 on the next attempt, and had no shot. Oh well, got greedy. One thing: in the video, I can see a sort of tremor go through my body before I press that annoys me. I think it's clear I could have pressed that 195 without it, but I want to eliminate it just because it pisses me off to doubt my lifts even a tiny bit. It's just a result of me taking a big breath and tightening everything, but I need to be careful to do that first, and THEN press. 

Finally, snatch deads went awesome. Did all singles - 125 x 5, 205 x 3, 285 x 2, 335 for a belted single, then 365 - 385 - 405. Really happy with this, ground through that last rep. I think nailing 405 like THIS tells me I have a new deadlift PR just around the corner. Gonna work my ass off these next 9 weeks and get ready to SMASH 455 and maybe even hit a big 3rd attempt too. We will see. 

Anyways, here is the video. Gonna rest up, eat up, heal up, and then get right back to it again. Lets keep at it

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