Today was honestly a very good day. The running did NOT ruin my workout, although I definitely didn't feel 100% myself today. Basically, my strength was close to normal, but I was a lot tighter than normal, I had less energy and much less explosiveness. I think there are a couple reasons - first of all, the running probably took some of my juice, and beat up my knees and connective tissue which made me a little slower, creakier, less explosive. Second, I didn't sleep great last night because I had to wake up early and pick classes, so that probably fucked up my recovery and my energy levels a bit. And third, mentally I was feeling a little wonky today, as well as worrying about whether or not I was going to be weak, so maybe that made my workout a little shittier than usual. But overall, everything still went really well - strength was solid, and I think once I adjust to the running (and maybe ease into it a little slower), it won't hinder my strength at all.

Started with squats. Warmed up well, hit the bar for a set of 10, 5, then 125 for 10, 5. Then hit 205 for a set of 8 that was pretty good, although I got tired under the weight a little faster than normal. Next, hit 265 x 4, and although it wasn't bad it was also a tiny bit off. Went up to 295, and hit it for 10. Overall, it was a really good set. My reps were clean, not too hard. I got tired towards the end of the set and it was really hard to have the weight on my back, but I focused up best I could and all my reps were nice. Might have even had another in my legs, although it would have sucked to hold it for another 10 seconds or whatever.The one thing that felt a little off was that I had a little trouble keeping my hips forward - it wasn't awful, but I felt like my hips were going a little farther back than normal and I was using my back more than I normally do with a more upright torso. I think my legs and calves especially were just a little tighter than normal, which put me a tiny bit out of position. However, I did work to keep them as nice and possible, and it DEFINITELY wasn't terrible at all. A very solid set, within 10 lbs of my 10rm. Pretty awesome.
Next, front squats. I hit 190 and 215 x 2, then loaded up 245. The first double was ROUGH, the first time I have ever really had a hard time with these. I figured it was just cause the weight was heavy. However, on the second set I did a much better job of pushing my hips forward and being faster and explosive, and the reps were WAY smoother. Same for the third. So, I really don;t think the weight was too heavy. The running just hindered some of the things that are most important for front squats - speed, explosiveness, and good positions - but with focus I pushed through and did much better on the later reps.

Finally, deadlifting went really well, which further backs up my theories, as deadlits are more of a "raw strength" movement, and wouldn't be hindered as much by tightness and some connective tissue wear and tear haha. I pulled 205 for 3, 1, then 185 for 2, 1, then went straight to 365. I expected the jump to be rough, but I actually smashed the weight. I am really starting to get more consistent and proficient with the new setup - shing to the bar and blast it off the floor in a split second - and it is making a huge difference. Then, loaded up 395. First rep I let it get a tiny bit out in front. I still blasted it up, however, but I need to be careful to keep technique beautiful even at heavy weights with this fast setup. Second rep was much better, but a tad slower. Third rep, however, I rested up for better. My technique was awesome and I pulled it even faster than the first rep. So, I think next week I will start working at 405. Very exciting.
Finally, a set of 40 crunches.
So, pretty solid day. Running really didn't hurt my workout much at all, and this is probably the worst day, since by next week my body will already have adapted a little. I think I might start a little slower, however - maybe running 100, walking 100, instead of jumping right into doing 200's. I think it will hurt my body a little less, while keeping my pulse up and my rest times shorter. AKA more cardio/recovery effect, and less muscle and connective tissue wear. We will see. But anyways, really nice workout. I can't wait to kick ass tomorrow. Lets keep at it.